Breaking News
Friday, October 16, 2009

Info Post
Anita Dunn, President Obama's Communications Director, in June (3 months ago) at commencement speech, said that one of her favorite political philosopher was Mao Tse Tung. The very same Communist - Mao Tse Tung - who is the worst mass murdering modern history. Moa had 70 million people murdered. She praises Moa as one of her two favorite philosophers - a person who killed more people than Hitler. As   the communications director for the President, she  has been a vocal voice in attacking conservatives and even the Fox News Channel. Deception revealed!
Anita Dunn in her own words on Mao Tse Tung (notice she can't keep from sticking her tongue out as she speaks - what's up with that?): [Joe Gerarden video]

Obama communication's director attacks conservatives and the Fox News channel: [TPM video]

Frugal Café also has a video and article about Anita Dunn's attack on Fox News and Bill O’Reilly’s Response. H/T to Frugal Café for the above photo.

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