Breaking News
Monday, October 26, 2009

Info Post
The ARRA News Service has published articles in an attempt to get the attention of Republican leadership. For example:
- Republican Voters Say GOP Reps in Congress Out of Touch
- Introducing The Restless Grassroots

The base is growing because a majority of Americans are conservative and those who may have been diverted in 2008 to vote for a historical event, the first black president, are quickly returning to their conservative roots when confronted by the the consequences of their vote. The Republican Party stands to benefit by this growing base. However, the leadership (or at least the perceived leadership) continues to take actions which "kick the stuffing out" of its base.

Now more than ever, it is time that the GOP leadership listen to its base. We want victory but not compromise of our conservative beliefs, principles, and platform. It was not Republican beliefs and principles that lost in the last election. It was Sen. John McCain who lost, and he would have lost by more if Sarah Palin had not been added to the ticket. The days of compromising with liberals is over because even the word "liberal" has been co-opted by something far worse - socialism. And this new sinister socialism has audaciously lashed out and attack the American people on many levels as evidenced by recent actions by the Obama administration.

A recent events in Florida showed how the Florida Republican Party leadership has been taken over by a narrow minded individuals. Their State Chairman kicked out conservative republican libertarian party members including at least one County Republican Chairman from the Florida's Republican party for exercising their rights to support a Republican primary candidate other than the Chairman's choice for US Senate. Where is the RNC Chairman in speaking out on this Florida issue?

Bobby Eberle in words from The Loft in GOPUSA adds to the continuing discussion and sends another "Message to Republican leaders: Get a Clue!"
There are certain times in the cycle of politics when the party in power is so bad that the opposition doesn't need to do much to win. In 1994, the approval ratings for Congress were terrible. Republicans, led by Newt Gingrich, put together the Contract with America, and presented a strong, conservative message to the voters. In that election year, not a single Republican incumbent lost, and the Republican Revolution began.

Now, Republicans face similar opportunities. Led by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, these ultra left-wing radical want to transform the country (Obama's words) into a socialist nation, complete with government control over health care, banks, the auto industry, and more. So... how are Republican leaders responding? A recent Rasmussen poll shows that Republican voters don't like what they are seeing, and recent actions by the Republican Party show that they don't have a clue on how to turn this country around.

In a new Rasmussen Reports poll, a staggering 73% of GOP voters say that Congressional Republicans "have lost touch with their base." Whenever a poll shows a majority rather than a plurality on a particular question, one should take notice. But 73%? Republican leaders shouldn't just "take notice," they should stop what they are doing, listen, and get their act together! [Additional info from this Rasmussen Report]

This is absolutely pathetic, and it comes at a time when the Democrats are overreaching in their plans for socialism and Americans are ready to get rid of them. As noted in another Rasmussen poll:
The GOP advantage over Democrats increased from two points to five in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot. Forty-two percent (42%) would vote for their district's Republican congressional candidate while 37% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.
The "generic ballot" question is a great indicator of the trend and attitude of the country. It is not specific to any particular candidate. Democrats had a sizable lead over Republicans on the generic ballot going into last year's elections, and now Republicans have gained the upper hand. Again, this is due to the terrible job that the Democrats have done.

How is the Republican Party establishment responding to all of this? Well... first we have speech after speech by Republican leaders saying how we need to "broaden our message" to "reach more people." I have heard a number of these speeches, and they never touch on the fact that we simply need to do a better job of sticking to our conservative positions and education Americans on what those positions are.

Just look at what is happening in the special election for New York's 23rd Congressional District. The candidate supported by the Republican Party is Dede Scozzafava. As the blog New Majority notes:
Across the country, Republicans are scratching their heads and wondering, "How in the world did we end up with Scozzafava?" How did the GOP pick someone who is in favor of card check and had been approached by the Democrats to be their nominee? How did the Republicans in upstate New York choose a candidate who, according to one rating system, is more liberal than 43% of New York State Assembly Democrats?
Scozzafava is supported by the National Republican Congressional Committee. They are still planning to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into the race. A race in which there is a solid conservative running. New York's Conservative Party is supporting Doug Hoffman. Hoffman has garnered the support of former House Majority Leader Dick Armey. He has recently just received the endorsement of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Hoffman is also being supported by former presidential candidate Fred Thompson and Rep. Michelle Bachman of Minnesota.

The Republican Party needs to get a clue. The backlash that is hitting the Democrats right now is because they have overstepped. They mistook a nation that was frustrated with big spending and corruption for one that wanted to embrace a hard turn to the left and socialism. This nation is a conservative nation. What can't Republican Party leaders see that?

Tags: Republican Party, RNC, RNC Chairman To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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