Breaking News
Friday, March 19, 2010

Info Post
Dr. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-OK, warned members of the House of Representatives that Republican senators will watch carefully for any deals the White House or Democratic leaders make with members in exchange for their votes. Text of his comments follows the video.

SEN. TOM COBURN (R), OKLAHOMA: I want to send a couple of messages to my colleagues in the House.

If you voted no and you vote yes, and you lose your election, and you think any nomination to a federal position isn't going to be held in the Senate, I've got news for you. It's going to be held.

Number two is, if you get a deal, a parochial deal for you or your district, I've already instructed my staff and the staff of seven other senators that we will look at every appropriations bill, at every level, at every instance, and we will outline it by district, and we will associate that with the buying of your vote. So, if you think you can cut a deal now, and it not come out until after the election, I want to tell you that isn't going to happen. And be prepared to defend selling your vote in the House.

David Freddoso of the Washington Examiner remarked on Coburn's statement, "This is the Washington, D.C. equivalent of "I shall avenge unto the fourth generation and salt your family's plot of land with your blood." For once, some real change in D.C."

Bill Smith, Editor: Finally a Doctor that clearly understands preventative medicine. Sen. Coburn made it clear that wheeling and dealing for your vote will be hazardous to your future employment if you expect a Federal position.

Tags: government healthcare, Senate Doctors, Senator, Tom Coburn, warning, Democrats
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