As a result, Congress has over time lost touch with one of its primary Constitutionals mandates to provide oversight, funding and support for the US Military forces. Over recent years, Congress has turned to focused on expanding domestic programs and ignored much of the threat to American from other countries. This has precipitated numerous events and situations like the 9-11 attack on the United States, nations seeking to develop nuclear weapons with no fear of the consequences, modern day pirates raiding U.S. ships on the high seas and more. Leaders of Congress and its members have increasingly disparaged members and branches of the military and its commanding officers. Even today's Coast Guard has been moved under the Homeland Security Department and is presently being downsized when we have greater threats to our coastal cities and invasion of our coasts by terrorists and other.
The Iraq Veterans for Congress PAC, or IVC, is seeking to make a difference. IVC is a federally registered political action committee supporting the congressional campaigns of conservative Republican Iraq Veterans. They seek determined conservative Republican veterans to become a voice for our troops, military families, and hardworking patriotic Americans who believe that our country, our Constitution and our way of life are worth fighting for.
They began their first year of operation in 2008 and helped elect two rock-solid conservatives and battle-tested Iraq Veterans to be elected to Congress: Reps. Mike Coffman (R-CO) and Duncan Hunter Jr. (R-CA). They have continued their funding efforts and anticipate more victories in 2010.
IVC likes to target Liberal Democrats who are the biggest threat to America’s safety and security. And they have remained in constant contact with fellow Veterans across the country and looked for the best and strongest candidates for the most competitive and winnable races. Once endorsed, the PAC helps to fund the candidates.
Presently, Iraq Veterans for Congress, has endorsed and is supporting 35 Republican veterans candidates for the House of Representatives and 1 candidate for the US Senate for 2010. Out of the 35 people endorsed for Congress, three of the veterans are in Arkansas. Arkansas has the largest number of endorsed Veteran candidates and at present, is the only state with an endorsed candidate for US Senate. The endorsed candidates from Arkansas are:
For Arkansas’s 2nd District U.S. Army Veteran | For Arkansas’ 1st District U.S. Army Veteran | For U.S. Senator from Arkansas U.S. Army Veteran |
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Tags: 2010 Elections, Conrad Reynolds, Iraq veteran, PAC, presidential candidates, Rick Crawford, Tim Griffin, US Congress, US House, US Senate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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