Breaking News
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Info Post
Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today in response to a recent report, citing unnamed Democrat sources, which says Democrat leaders are no longer accepting changes to their plan for a government takeover of health care:
"A recentreport alerts Members of Congress that the ‘trading post' for health care deal making has closed. For weeks now Democrat leaders have traded special deals for votes and in the process have traded away any hope of passing meaningful health care reform that the public can support. The American people don't want a government takeover of health care and they certainly don't want one full of special breaks for some states at the expense of every other state.

"The American people are right to wonder what kind of backroom deals have been made to bring this plan for a government takeover of health care to the president's desk. More than three years ago Speaker Pelosi promised the American people a new direction and its time she made good on her promise. House Republicans have offered the American people a fresh start on spending by imposing a unilateral ban on all earmarks. I renew my call on Speaker Pelosi to renounce all earmarks and I further request that all special deals in the health care bill be made public immediately."

Tags: corruption, deals, Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, US House, Washington D.C. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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