Breaking News
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Info Post
The US House just passed the Senate version of health care. The major drama today was the sell out by alleged pro-life democrats for the President Obama to sign an executive order preventing Federal money from being spend on abortions. This is indeed ironic since Barack Obama is an openly Pro-Choice supporter and supports abortion rights in all terms of a pregnancy. This evidences that there is no room in the Democrat Party for true conservatives or true pro-life supporters. Talk has proven to be cheap! For Democrat candidates and Democrat incumbents to expect us to continue to ignore this fact is ludicrous. We cannot support these candidates and incumbent anymore.

Now that the House Democrats have passed the Senate bill instead of conferencing with the Senate to establish a more balanced bill, the bill goes directly to the President Obama for signature into law. We now have nationalized health care which will be expanded in coming generations unless some drastic actions are taken between now and then. For the first time in history the U.S. government can move to take over the control of private health care (1/6 of the Economy) in America. The government is now going to order you "to buy" what ever the Federal Government mandates or you may suffer fines and imprisonment. And if you happen to buy or have secured a health plan via your employer as a condition of employment which is considered too good by the government, you will be penalized with a tax which if you do not pay could result in additional fines, loss of property and imprisonment. And note the Congress is exempt from these considerations. Making any American buy anything as a condition of US Citizenship, is obviously not Constitutional but President Obama, Speaker Pelois and Sen. Reid do not care.

While we need to keep opposing via all peaceful actions the implementation and regulatory process associated with this takeover, we also in the coming days need to express ourselves. One way to do this is to take action to support candidates that would Repeal the bill and to work for a rollback of this un-Constitutional takeover of health care.

Please go to REPEAL IT! sponsored by the Club for Growth and sign the pledge to rescue America from government-run health care. We know it’s not enough just to fight ObamaCare, we need to pledge to Repeal It! Join the cause, click the button, and take the pledge today!

Tags: US House, nationalized health care, repeal it,
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