Today, I talked with Rep. Randy Neughbauer (R-TX) and thanked him for boldly calling the present health care bill a "baby killer." Randy is rightly standing by his words. He also said something that is relevant to this post, "For Change in Federal Government to occur, members of Congress are going to have to both speak boldly and to boldly stand."
Democrats like Sen. Lincoln don't have their heads buried in the proverbial sand; they are in fact, clearly opposed to the truth! Some are very comfortable with this position. While others pussy foot around in an effort to deceive their voter base by claiming they are conservative democrats or even pro-life. The truth is that Sen. Blanche Lincoln's singular vote mattered. As a result of her vote, America no has government health care.
I commend Jim Holt position on this issue. In the past, many who play at politics have criticized Holt for bluntly speaking and for taking tough stands. Well, those that play at politics are the types that have a propensity to compromise away our rights and freedoms. Such has often been the case with members of the Arkansas Democratic delegation to Congress. In November, Arkansans will have the option to fix this situation and to not elect any Democrats to Congress. Reid, Pelosi and Obama have done enough damage with the assistance of Democrats like Blanche Lincoln.
SPRINGDALE, AR — Republican US Senate Candidate Jim Holt called Senator Blanche Lincoln’s announcement today that she would be voting against the Healthcare Reconciliation Bill a "fraud" and a "Fig Leaf" to cover up her crucial 60th vote to proceed with Obama Care. Holt said:
"With a single vote she has divided our Nation right down the middle and we are poised below an avalanche that can only be stopped if we act now. Lincoln's comment that the House Package 'includes matter unrelated to health care' is imbecilic. The package that the Senate originally sent back to the house was full of this 'unrelated matter.' The Federal Government is bound by article one section nine of the Constitution to not favor one state above another.
Blanche Lincoln lit the match that burned the Constitution. Her crucial 60th vote for cloture last December sent a clear and undeniable message to the American people that she will continue to adhere to Washington's liberal agenda despite what the voters in Arkansas want, or what the supreme law of the land says.
America's Future is worth fighting for. That's why I am running for the US Senate. Our Nation must be saved."
Tags: Jim Holt, Blanche Lincoln, Election 2010, nationalized health care, US Senate, Arkansas, Obamacare
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