Michael Steele, Contributing Author: What did the Democrat Senate primary teach voters in Arkansas? You can’t trust Blanche Lincoln. Senator Lincoln lost any kind of credibility with Arkansans when she proudly embraced the agenda of the liberal left in her primary run-off. Now facing a strong conservative opponent in the general election, Rep. John Boozman, Senator Lincoln is trying to do an about face while hoping that Arkansas voters don’t see through her acts of political desperation.
Throughout the contentious intra-party civil war that played out in the primary, Senator Lincoln was forced to show her true colors; she has served as a loyal foot soldier for the big-government policies of the Obama-Reid-Pelosi agenda, and she has a voting record to prove it. Blanche Lincoln has voted with President Obama 95% of the time. On the campaign trail, she proudly championed her votes in support of the government takeover of health care and the big-spending failed stimulus. Her critical votes that cemented these legislative proposals into law did nothing but vastly expand our federal government, launch the national debt past $13 trillion, and maintain the national unemployment rate at nearly 10 percent. And now Lincoln wants Arkansas taxpayers to foot the bill.
ARKANSAS VOTERS BEWARE: Now that Senator Lincoln has made it past her primary, she is frantically trying to backtrack from her far-left voting history. Don’t be fooled by the carefully crafted rhetoric that is spoken on the campaign trail. The facts speak for themselves, and Senator Lincoln’s loyalties lie first and foremost with President Obama and Harry Reid, not the people of Arkansas.
Arkansas deserves a better Senator, someone who will consistently fight for the people of Arkansas and will defend their interests in Washington. Congressman Boozman is the right man for the job. Arkansas voters can trust him to stand up to the Obama Agenda. His opposition to ObamaCare and the stimulus demonstrates his commitment to limited government, fiscal restraint, and low taxes. With a positive, conservative message that puts him in line with the majority of people in the state, Rep. Boozman is the best candidate to represent Arkansas in the United States Senate.
Michael Steele is Chairman, National Republican Committee. He was previously a Fox News political commentator and former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland.
Tags: Arkansas, US Senate, Blanche Lincoln, John Boozman, Michael Steele, RNC, politics, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Arkansas Voters: Beware Of Blanche’s Political Two-Step
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