from Georgia Senator Judson Hill newsletter: In case you have not heard ...
A few days ago Governor Sonny Perdue signed Senator Judson Hill's legislation into law to protect Georgian's right to make their own health care choices. Senate Bill 317, authored by Hill and passed by the Georgia Senate, was added as an amendment to Senate Bill 411 to prohibit mandatory participation in federal health care.
SB 317 simply protects the basic rights we all enjoyed before President Obama signed into law the federal take-over of health care. Senate Bill 317 prohibits the federal government from forcing an unconstitutional mandate on Georgia's citizens or punishing anyone for not buying heath insurance. Georgians do not want federal bureaucrat involvement in our health care decisions, said Senator Hill. "Every Georgian should have the right to purchase private health care, purchase government health care, or exercise their right not to participate in a health plan without being fined," said Hill. Existing private and government programs would not be affected by this new law. SB 317 also prohibits any government from punishing a business that does not participate in a federal health plan, as well as it protects health care providers from being forced to perform mandated medical procedures such as abortions.
When Senator Hill opposed a tax increase this Session, Senate Bill 317 was stopped in the House. Senator Hill successfully had SB 317's language amended into Senate Bill 411. SB 411, which is similar to Senate Hill Senate Bill 445 and his 2009 legislation, expands Hill's 2008 Bill that allows health insurance companies to partially refund HSA health insurance premiums for people who stay healthy.
SB 41, as introduced, will now allow wellness incentives in other health insurance plans to reward Georgians for good health or following preventative health measures.
Judson Hill has been a longtime champion of incentivizing good health practices as a common-sense solution to lowering health costs and helping Georgians live healthier lifestyles. Senator Bill 411, as amended with SB 317, will become law in Georgia on July 1, 2010.
Georgians will now have the legal right to exercise their freedom to choose the best health insurance options without being fined or punished by the federal government. Senator Hill's Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act has been introduced in 42 states and passed in 7 states across the country.
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Georgia Law Protects Georgian's Right To Make Their Own Health Care Choices
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