Breaking News
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Info Post
[Update: 6/17/2010 - 9:42 pm] -- Pelosi yanks campaign finance bill: . . . after complaints from the conservative Blue Dogs and the Congressional Black Caucus, Pelosi was forced to pull the bill on Thursday night. Pelosi's office declined to comment on Thursday evening's decision to pull the bill from the floor. Democratic leadership aides said the vote would be rescheduled until next week, but it is still unclear whether Pelosi and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), . . . the author of the bill, will have enough votes to move forward then. . . . Democratic lawmakers were largely tight-lipped leaving Pelosi’s office late Thursday afternoon, although it was clear that momentum was clearly building against a Friday vote. By early evening, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s (D-Md.) office formally announced that the vote had been cancelled.

[Update: 6/17/2010 - 4:42 pm] -- Vote has been temporarily postponed; keep up the heat! Bloggers and editorial writers around the country have lit up the Internet  alerting you to over the past 48 hours. It is imperative that we continue hammering the Congress.  Please call your congressman today and urge him or her to oppose HR 5175. Again,on the eve of another potential vote, it is crucial that the phones ring off the hook. If they’re not ringing, they won’t be worried.
----- Talking Points for contacting your Representative -----
1. I stand in opposing the DISCLOSE Act (HR 5175).
2. The Bill of Rights is clear in saying that Congress has no authority to pass legislation like this. Just like the Second Amendment says our gun rights “shall not be infringed,” the First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech.”
3. The Supreme Court was right earlier this year in the Citizens United case. The Campaign Finance Reform law (otherwise known as the Incumbent Protection Act) was wrong. Americans, and the groups they choose to associate with, should be able to criticize Congress in the days and weeks leading up to an election WITHOUT BEING GAGGED OR FORCED TO JUMP THROUGH HOOPS that are mandated by Congress.
[6/16/2010] ACTION ALERT:  The House of Representatives will be voting tomorrow, Thursday, June 17, 2010, on HR 5175--the DISCLOSE ACT (Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections Act).

The DISCLOSE ACT will give the FEC (Federal Elections Commission) jurisdiction over speech--in particular, speech over the internet.

If Congress votes to pass the DISCLOSE ACT, they will be voting to illegally alter the US Constitution by limiting our First Amendment Rights of FREE SPEECH! The DISCLOSE ACT does NOTHING to protect to protect American citizens, as those in favor of this bill would have us believe. What it will do is silence anyone whose opinions differ from the current administration!

Don't even think about getting involved in the November elections. Unless you're Big Labor. Or the trial lawyers. Or

At least, that's what the majority leaders in Congress want. They're hoping to pass their wrongheaded "DISCLOSE Act" as early as this Thursday. This bill slaps duct tape over the mouths of American employers -- while giving free reign to the extremist groups who fund the liberals' campaigns.

How is that Constitutional? It isn't.

The American people have rejected the liberals' extremist agenda. The polls are against them, and they're counting on Big Labor to ride to their rescue in November.

So they're trying to re-write the Constitution to stack the deck in favor of the liberal special interest groups -- and shut out American workers and employers.Don't let it happen: email Congress today and tell them to OPPOSE the DISCLOSE Act.

Please put the pressure on your elected representatives. Call Capitol Hill at 202-224-3121 and urge your representative to oppose this legislation. If you can’t get through to your representative’s Washington office, look up their local office numbers. Firmly but respectfully tell them to oppose HR 5175 - the DISCLOSE Act
Other Related Source Info:
Guns and Free Speech - NRA sells out to Democrats on the First Amendment
Pro-Life Group Still Opposes Disclose Act Despite Democrats' Deal With NRA
The Democrats v. the Constitution: The DISCLOSE Act

Tags: US House, USCongress, Action Alert, HR5175, DICLOSE Act To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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