by Ron Russell at the TOTUS:There is a simple truth, the only drilling the democrats will ever support is the drilling into your wallets. They have little concern for the common man and his need for cheap energy. They could care less if you have to pay $5 a gallon for gasoline, if your utility rates go through the roof. They listen to the radical environmentalist and time and time again have sided with them against the interest of the working men and women of this nation. They have brought into global warming hysteria hook line and sinker and believe those who tell them the sky is falling. They have turned a deaf ear to common sense solutions and are trying to drag all of us over the cliff to what will invariably be the destruction of the world's great economy. sadly the only way they can hope to advance their agenda is on the backs of those in this country who pay the bills --- the American tax-payer, who is quickly becoming a shrinking minority! Tags:Domestic Drilling, Democrats, Ron Russell, political cartoon, American tax-payers,To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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