RAHM EMANUEL: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” (“In Crisis, Opportunity For Obama,” The Wall Street Journal, 11/21/08) PRESIDENT OBAMA: “We are experiencing an unprecedented [perhaps] economic crisis that has to be dealt with and dealt with rapidly.” (“Obama Sees Stimulus Package By Mid-February,” MSNBC, 1/23/09) RAHM EMANUEL: “What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things [that you think] you couldn’t do before.” (Editorial, “A 40-Year Wish List,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/28/09) BILL PLANTE, CBS: “The seven hundred and ninety billion dollar stimulus bill gives the President pretty much what he asked for…” (CBS’ “The Early Show,” 2/12/09) RAHM EMANUEL: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” (“In Crisis, Opportunity For Obama,” The Wall Street Journal, 11/21/08) PRESIDENT OBAMA: “[O]ur current economic crisis has only heightened the urgency of our health care challenge.” (President Obama, Remarks In The East Room, The White House, 3/2/09) RAHM EMANUEL: “What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things [that you think] you couldn’t do before.” (Editorial, “A 40-Year Wish List,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/28/09) DIANNE SAWYER, ABC News: “[B]reaking news, that this has been a historic night. A sea change in the healthcare system in America, affecting nearly every American family.” (ABC’s “Special Report,” 3/21/10) RAHM EMANUEL:You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” (“In Crisis, Opportunity For Obama,” The Wall Street Journal, 11/21/08) PRESIDENT OBAMA: “The tragedy unfolding on our coast is the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now.” (President Obama, Remarks By The President To The Nation On The BP Oil Spill, 6/15/10) RAHM EMANUEL: “What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things [that you think] you couldn’t do before.” (Editorial, “A 40-Year Wish List,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/28/09) JOE KERNEN, CNBC:“Is this another crisis where you use it as an opportunity to further some of your long-term, you know, socially transforming goals?” JOHN HARWOOD: “You know, if you say hi to Rahm Emanuel on the street, he will say, never let a crisis go to waste.” KERNEN:“I know, I know. That gets old for some people.” (CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” 6/15/10) | NEARLY $ 1 TRILLION SPENT · CBO: Stimulus Will “Increase Deficits By $862 Billion Between 2009 And 2019.” “Looking ahead, it appears that ARRA will have larger effects in later years than originally estimated. All told, CBO now anticipates that the law will increase deficits by $862 billion between 2009 and 2019 (see Table A-1).” (“The Budget And Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2010 To 2020,” The Congressional Budget Office, P.113, 1/10) 3,000,000 JOBS LOST · BLS: 2,979,000 Jobs Lost February, 2009 – May, 2010. (U.S. Dept. Of Labor, “Employment, Hour, And Earnings From The Current Employment Statistics Survey (National),” Accessed 6/16/10) “AMERICANS DON'T LIKE HEALTH CARE BILL” CNN POLL · “CNN poll: Americans don't like health care bill” (“CNN Poll: Americans Don’t Like Health Care Bill,” CNN, 3/22/10) “HEALTHCARE LAW TO SOCK MIDDLE CLASS WITH A $3.9 BILLION TAX INCREASE” -THE HILL (4/12/10) · “Healthcare law to sock middle class with a $3.9 billion tax increase” (“JCT: Healthcare Law To Sock Middle Class With A $3.9 Billion Tax Increase In 2019,” The Hill, 4/12/10) “DEMOCRATS TO W.H.: DROP CAP AND TRADE” · “Democrats to W.H.: Drop cap and trade” (“Senate Democrats To White House: Drop Cap And Trade,” Politico, 12/27/09) |
Tags: Crisis, crisis management, Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, Obama Administration, take over, gulf oil spill, BP, national energy tax, budget-busting stimulus, health care To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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