Breaking News
Friday, November 4, 2011

Info Post
Tim Phillips, President, Americans for Prosperity: Join Mark Levin, Andrew Breitbart, and Carly Fiorina at the DC convention center this Saturday, November 5th for Americans for Prosperity's Cut Spending Now Rally!

For decades, Washington D.C. has continued to borrow and spend at a pace that is not sustainable. The federal government is borrowing nearly 40 cents of every dollar we spend and the US debt is now the same size as our entire economy.

You and I understand that our families could not survive borrowing at the same rate, but Washington continues to use the same budgeting gimmicks and accounting tricks to hide our financial crisis.

REGISTER TODAY for this FREE event! *Registration is required for this event and will close at 9pm Friday, 11/4.

We cannot continue to spend at this rate. Now is the time for Washington to tighten their belts and make the same tough choices that American families and businesses have made for decades. We must fight to ensure Washington puts America first and Cuts Spending Now!

We hope you will join us in this fight, and we will see you in DC this Saturday! And don't forget to register today!

P.S. If you cannot make it to the event, please click here and sign our "Cut Spending Now!" petition.

Tags: Cut The Spending Rally, Washington, D.C., DC convention center, Saturday, November 5th, Americans for Prosperity, Tim Phillips, Mark Levin, Andrew Breitbart, Carly Fiorina To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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