Breaking News
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Info Post
Father Andrew Kemberling, was invited to lead the opening prayer at the 2012 Colorado Republican State Assembly and Convention in the Magness Arena at the University of Denver. What he said next caused quite a stir in the convention hall.  See for yourself... Follows is the video made of his prayer and comments. Stick with this through the first few comments - you will be surprised.

The moral challenges facing our country are not caused by political affiliation, but rather by attacks on religious freedom. He invites all people of conscience to uphold religious freedom. "The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with 'communism' or 'socialism'." - Catechism of the Catholic Church 2425
Editor's comment: In these trying days, it is important for Americans to support each other in standing strong against socialism. We cannot afford to say or believe, "I will support the part of the 1st Amendment but not the rest of the 1st Amendment." Or, "I will support the 1st Amendment but not the 2nd Amendment" and on down the line. When we do that, we weaken our total strength to preserve and protect the rights of all. Even the press has been guilty. They want freedom of the press but then use that freedom to support limiting the rights of others to have free speech or advocating the limiting the rights or ignoring the abuse of of those rights by the government including the President actions via Executive Orders.

For too long, people and elected officials have practiced selective support of the bill or rights. They ignore the attack on another when they think they are not really affected by a right. For example, I don't own a gun, so why should I care how government limits those the rights of those that so or who which to own a gun. Or, I am not very religious, so what do I care if people can't pray in public or share their faith.

And gee wiz, they like the government giving them money, so why should they care about the protection of property rights of others or the theft of their money through excessive taxation or taking away their property rights be they mineral, water, land use, etc. And since "I don't expect to be arrested, why should I can about their rights of those who are arrested.) And so it goes.

While there are a lot of well meaning people, many are often led by not so well meaning who are out to use the system and to abuse the rights which government was to not supposed to infringe upon. Unfortunately, many of these not so well meaning individuals, also are in the church as well as in other organizations. It is time to stand together.

Tags: freedom, religion, freedom of speech, opposing socialism To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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