The Arkansas Republican Assembly (ARRA): Women's History Month is a tribute to women who have contributed to the greatness of American culture, a time to remember the significant role so many have had in promoting the rights and virtues of womanhood.
It is not possible to overstate the importance of the many courageous women who have prayed, struggled, and fought for their families and for their communities; who have stood up to the hypocrisies and fallacies of radical feminism and have refused to allow a small, noisy group of women speak for the majority of other women. We can thank God for the women who have loved, protected, and nurtured their babies; and have raised their voices in protest against the slaughter of millions of unborn babies.
While some women have made the world worse according to Kate O'Beirne in her book, Women Who Make the World Worse, there are others like Abigail Adams who had both the ear and heart of her husband and provided insights on the formation of our government while advocating for the right of women to participate in that government. Another was Susan B. Anthony who worked for the emancipation of the slaves, fought for women's rights to vote and to own property, was a strong voice for the sanctity of life, and a fierce opponent of abortion. Today, women like Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum and Beverly La Haye of Concerned Women of America are helping to give the majority of women a voice in upholding and defending traditional values such as the importance of a traditional family, that every child needs a nurturing mother, that men and women are different, that mothers cannot be fathers and fathers cannot be mothers, that most working women do prefer to stay at home and that it is alright to do so, that a woman does not have to be a man in order to be fulfilled in life. Thank you to all the women who have trained the next generation to cherish God, family, and country.
Tags: Abigal Adams, Arkansas Republican Assembly, Beverly La Haye, Black History Month, Concerned Women for America, Eagle Forum, Katie O'Brien, Phyllis Schlafly, Susan B. Anthony To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
ARRA Commemorates Women's History Month
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