Breaking News
Friday, January 25, 2008

Info Post
Could a former Mexican Cabinet Member Serve as U.S. Cabinet Member? The answer is yes! Discounting the that Democrat presidential candidates could do this, consider that this could possibility occur with two Republican candidates: John McCain and Mike Huckabee. Both have had close ties with former Mexican President Vicente Fox. McCain Pushed for amnesty for 12 million illegal aliens. Huckabee agreed to and supported the opening of a Mexican Consulate in Arkansas.

Besides former Mexico President Fox, a major player is U.S.-born dual citizen Dr. Juan Hernandez who served the Mexican Government in Fox's cabinet as Director of the Office for Mexicans Living Abroad and is notorious for having said of Mexican Americans on Nightline on June 7, 2001, "I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think 'Mexico first.'"

Reports have identified that Dr. Juan Hernandez is working for the John McCain Campaign as McCain’s “Hispanic Outreach Director." Bryan at Hot Air reports:
Here’s a photo of him, found on McCain’s daughter Meghan’s blog. It’s from the December 10, 2007 blog entry titled “Univision Debate Gallery,” 7th photo down.
Below represents how a few others are reacting today at this news:
  • Mark Krikorian: . . .”Does McCain agree with this? Has he offered Hernandez, a former high-level foreign government official who presumably swore an oath to uphold the Mexican constitution, a place in a future McCain Administration? That’s not a rhetorical question.”

  • Gateway Pundit: “When Senator McCain insisted that he had not changed his position on immigration in an interview after the South Carolina Republican Primary, he wasn’t kidding!”

  • Jake Jacobsen: “You have got to be freaking kidding me.” . . . This is out of hand! Juan Hernandez? JUAN HERNANDEZ!

  • Sundries Shack: “Let’s ask his Hispanic Outreach Director whether he’d work for a politician who intended on securing the borders before offering amnesty. What do you think his answer would be?”

  • Michelle Malken: Dr. Juan Hernandez, McCain Hispanic outreach director: “We must not only have a free flow of goods and services, but also start working for a free flow of people.” . . . Hernandez was a close advisor to Vicente “Welcome to North America” Fox and headed up a Mexican bureaucracy called the “Presidential Office for Mexicans Abroad.” It was designed to allow Hernandez to travel across the country, meddling with local, state, and federal immigration enforcement on behalf of millions of illegal aliens in America. He lobbied for illegal alien driver’s licenses and Mexico first, defended Mexican bus operators carrying illegal aliens to the USA, and promoted extending banking privileges to illegal aliens.

  • Tags: illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, John McCain, Juan Hernandez, Mexico, Mike Huckabee To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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