John McCain won the Florida Republican Primary. Although he did not receive a majority and squeezed past Romney, under Florida Republican Party rule that the winner gets all the FL GOP delegates. McCain received 35.91% but all 57 delegates to the RNC Presidential Convention. The last minute endorsement by Florida Gov. Charlie Crist appears to have moved McCain to the winners circle. This places McCain on top of the leader board in delegate count.
Mitt Romney was second with 31.04% of the vote. Rudy Giuliani was third with 14.78% which was a disappointing number considering he invested all his efforts into the Florida primary. Mike Huckabee received 13.38%; Ron Paul 3.22%; Fred Thompson Who had withdrawn still received over 20,000 votes for 1.19%; Alan Keyes 0.21%; Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo who had both withdrawn both received 0.14%.
Tags: Election 2008, Florida, John McCain, Mitt Romney, presidential candidates, presidential primary, Rudy Giuliani To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
McCain Squeezed Past Romney to Win Florida GOP Primary
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