by Mark R. and Renee E. Taylor, Family Security Matters: Snake oil salesmen of the 19th Century used to comb the countryside, selling their remedies to unsuspecting consumers hoping for a cure, or at least a quick fix, for their ailments. Without much more than golden words out of the silver-tongued salesmen, they set alluring traps for their artful chicanery. Weeks later, those sold a bill of goods by the salesmen’s trickery were worse for the wear, the only benefit going to the deceptive salesmen - now long gone - with the victim’s hard earned gold in their pockets.
As long-standing residents of Arkansas, we are reminded of yesteryear’s snake oil salesmen when we listen to our former Governor, now presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, as he mesmerizes crowds across the country with golden words that defy his record in our fair state. With his pockets full of gold, we’re left with pockets full of dust. . . . [Read detailed account]
While some women will vote for Hillary just because she’s a “woman” and some blacks will vote for Obama just because he’s “black”, as a Southern Baptist white couple from Arkansas, we won’t play along with identity-based voting and support the Southern Baptist boy from Arkansas. We’ve had enough.
Tags: Arkansas, Election 2008, Mike Huckabee, Republican, Silver-Tongued Salesman To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Golden Words from a Silver-Tongued Salesman
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