Breaking News
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Info Post
by Jake & MJ Jacobsen, Blogs4Borders: In the last story we mentioned the fact that illegal aliens, by definition, do not have civil rights in this country. Are we crazy? Well, yes…we are…but not when it comes to this! Civil rights are for citizens, and citizens only.

Let’s see how the American Heritage Dictionary defines civil rights…
The rights belonging to an individual by virtue of citizenship, especially the fundamental freedoms & privileges guaranteed by the 13th & 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution & by subsequent acts of Congress, including civil liberties, due process, equal protection of the laws, & freedom from discrimination. Rights belong to an individual by virtue of citizenship. That means that if you’re a citizen of Poland, that’s where you need to go to find your civil rights. If you’re a citizen of Australia, you need to go down under to find yours. And if you’re a citizen of Mexico – you guessed it – you need to head south of the border, down Mexico way, for yours.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines civil rights as the nonpolitical rights of a citizen, and human rights as rights regarded as belonging fundamentally to all persons. This is a crucial distinction to make because observation tells us that there are people working very hard to erase that distinction. To what end, you may wonder? Consider this: replacing actual CIVIL rights with lowest common denominator HUMAN rights is a good 1st step toward devaluing – and eventually doing away with – the very entity that bestows civil rights: the sovereign nation.
It’s an open-borders ploy used by open-borders advocates. Do you recall Dirty Harry Reid, during last year’s desperate elite scramble for “comprehensive immigration reform,” referring to illegal aliens as “undocumented Americans?” Just last week, VA Governor Tim Kaine described those who support state laws to curb illegal immigration as being “hostile to new Americans.”

It’s a ploy used by the same people who somehow think it’s noble to greet a pregnant illegal alien with open arms and confer immediate citizenship on her child because Mom managed to waddle across the border in contravention of our laws.

It’s insulting to us, as citizens, and we can only imagine how insulting it is to those citizens who have, historically, had to fight for their civil rights in this country. The civil rights movement has been hijacked by our invaders as they march in our streets to demand the rights of citizens, even as they spit on our country, our laws, and us with the law-breaking nature of their very presence in our country.

When Elvira Arellano took a year of “sanctuary” in a church here in Chicago, she was likened to Rosa Parks. How ridiculous to compare a citizen who fought for civil rights she was denied to a 2-time illegal entrant felon who hid in a church for a year to flaunt our laws yet again!

The fact is, American citizenship, and the civil rights that accompany it, ARE valuable. And Americans will not stand by while our greatest national treasure – citizenship -- is devalued by those who come to steal the American Dream…or by those who would give it away.

Know your civil rights. Fight to keep them. And by all means use them…in the country where you are entitled to them: the country where you are a citizen.
Tags: Blogs for Borders, Civil Rights, illegal aliens, illegal immigration To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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