Dr. Smith is a retired Air Force Officer and retired university professor. He is self-employed as a business and ministry consultant and website designer. He is married, a father and a grandfather. He and his wife, Lois who is also active in the Republican party, live and work in the Arkansas Ozarks. In addition to his writing for several political sites and promoting conservative principles nationally, Bill is also active locally because he believes that this is where future republican leaders are developed. He is a member of the Arkansas Republican Assemblies, the Baxter County Republican Assembly, a board member on the Baxter County Republican Committee, President of the local Republican Men's Club, precinct leader and a delegate to his congressional republican district.
Bill was recruited to help begin the LGTR coalition by two other Republican activists: Brad Marston of Massachusetts and Sheridan Folger of New Hampshire. All three along with other LBTR leaders are committed to the success of the Republican party. The goal of Let’s Get This Right is to provide financial, online and “boots on the ground” volunteer support to there initial slate of candidates picked by a team lead by Dr. Smith.
Let’s Get This Right is the outgrowth of the unofficial online efforts in support of John McCain for President. Those efforts include McCain Victory 08, McCain Now, McCain Google Groups, and 20 additional websites, 165+ affiliated blogs and roughly 15,000 volunteers/supporter nationwide. After seeing the results from 2006 and the last three special elections for Congress, Let’s Get This Right has concluded that the Republican leadership is fundamentally broken and that securing America’s future comes down to grassroots political activism.
Let’s Get This Right is neither a PAC nor a 527 organization. It is not affiliated with any candidate, candidate committee, the RNC, NRSC or NRCC. It accepts no donations directly but rather fundraises for candidate campaigns through Slatecard.com, a utility to support and enhance Republican activism."Slatecard" is Slatecard.com PAC. Slatecard.com PAC is an independent, federally registered political action committee (PAC) which acts as a "conduit" to raise money online to help Republican candidates for federal office in compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA).
Other leaders in the Lets Get This Right effort are: Brad Marston & Sheridan Folger - Co-Executive Directors & Sharon Caliendo - Deputy National Political Director.
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