For President: John McCain US Senate Jeff Beatty MA John Sununu NH Dick Zimmer NJ US Congress Lou Barletta PA 11th Tim Bee AZ 8th Gus Bilirakus FL 9th | US Congress (cont.) Henry Brown SC 1st Steve Buyer IN 4th Scott Garrett NJ 5th Melissa Hart PA 4th Lyle Larson TX 23rd William Russell PA 12th Jean Schmidt OH 2nd Darren White NM 1st |
The goal of LGTR is to provide financial, online and “boots on the ground” volunteer support to this initial slate of candidates. LGTR is neither a PAC nor a 527 organization. It is not affiliated with any candidate, candidate committee, the RNC, NRSC or NRCC. It accepts no donations directly but rather fundraises for candidate campaigns through, a utility to support and enhance Republican activism."Slatecard" is PAC. PAC is an independent, federally registered political action committee (PAC) which acts as a "conduit" to raise money online to help Republican candidates for federal office in compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA). To aid the above list of candidates with their fund raising, Let’s Get This Right has established its LGTR Slatecard. We encourage readers and LGTR supporters to donate to this inital "slate" of candidates.
The LGTR Political Review Team selected the above candidates after a national review of US House and Senate Republican Candidates. The team considered many factors including the following:
1) The candidate had no further primary competition.
2) The candidate is opposed in the general elections in November.
3) NRCC financial support and Campaign fundraising to date is such that additional national support may prove beneficial.
4) Special criteria: Some candidates have peeked national interests based on specific causes or service to country and merited support from outside of their districts. Some candidates face increased opposition by left wing bloggers and organizations. Some candidates are in races with National significance in that a Republican win would remove liberal democrats from the House and Senate.
While it was not easy selecting the initial Let’s Get This Right candidate list, let us assure everyone that the list was not based on the requirement that the candidate should win. Each race is important and each will require a lot of work by the candidates, their support teams and the voters in their districts. LGTR seeks to see a strong Republican base developed regardless of the election results.
LGTR supports these candidates with no strings attached. We hope to be able to draw along side their campaigns, to offer assistance and to advance the goals of Let’s Get This Right.
Brad Marston - Co-Executive Director
Sheridan Folger - Co-Executive Director
Dr. Bill Smith - National Political Director.
Sharon Caliendo - Deputy National Political Director.
Tags: Let's Get This Right, LGTR, republican candidates, 2008 election To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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