A great cartoon from our own William Warren! Fox News : Reporters from three newspapers that endorsed John McCain have been told that they ...
Ballot Busters: Gambling
This Election more voters will decide the fate of gambling in their state than any other values issue. And in every instance but one, the qu...
The Rise of the United Socialist States of America (video)
H/T The Silent Majority : Go to http://oldbluewebdesigns.com/USSA.htm Tags: America, socialism, United States To share or post to your si...
Barack Obama & Partial Birth Abortion
Draw the Line: Barack Obama & Partial Birth Abortion FRC: The American people have spoken resoundingly against partial-birth abortion. ...
Ballotpedia - Help With Understanding Local & State Propositions & Initiatives
Kristen McMurry is a Wiki Writer/Editor who oversees Ballotpedia.org. She has been briefing groups on the development of expansion of a Wiki...
Dead voters cast ballots in Texas - #voterfraud
A story from our southern neighbors - H/T to Texas Watchdog : DALLAS — Widow Erma Porter sought help from Dallas County elections officials...
Slippery Slope
Change. Change. Change. That's Barack. Tags: ABC News, Barack Obama, campaign ad, change, Election 2008, increased taxes, Joe Biden, Jo...
Trick or Treat
Tags: Democrat, Halloween, Gary McCoy, political cartoon, Redistribution, redistribution of wealth, trick or treat To share or post to you...
Barack Obama really is a Manchurian candidate
David Kupelian : As Election Day rapidly approaches, many Americans are wondering why so many of their countrymen reject a genuine war her...
Obama Would Toss Limbaugh, Hannity From Radio
by Brad O’Leary — Barack Obama has a stunning lack of tolerance for free speech. And one thing Americans can expect from an Obama administr...
60 Seats: Now That's Scary
Tags: 60 seats, 2008 Election, Harry Reid, NRSC, Senate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / li...
Karl Rove - I think John McCain is Going to Win!
The Wall Street Journal: "I've said it privately, so I might as well say it here: I think John McCain is going to win this electio...
“Get Out The Vote” Fraudsters Arrested #voterfraud
H/T to the Right Perspective who is reporting that Two Michigan residents working for a community voter registration group have been arrest...
Obama Speechwriter Defects Democratic Party, Endorses McCain
The Cleveland Leader : Usually the "October Surprise" doesn't come from one of your campaign's own speechwriters. In Bara...
If You Don't Want Socialism ...
A poem is making it around the Internet especially by email. Normally we don't past on poems of this type, but this time the unknown aut...
Obama Continues Airing False Ad
Update 10/30/08: Below is a Request by Heritage attorney to TV stations asking them to remove false ads misquoting Heritage Foundation! The...
Bill Ayers's Scary Plans for Public Schools
by Phyllis Schlafly : Will William Ayers be Secretary of Education in a Barack Obama Administration? All parents should ponder that possibi...
Joe And The Homeless
by Gary Bauer : Two news stories out of Ohio yesterday provide us with a telling glimpse into the leftwing mindset of America’s elites. A f...
Obama ~ McCain . . . An Appeal to the Average Joe
Kevin Ficek is an average American ~ he works hard to support his family. Pays his taxes on time & goes to church on Sunday...It takes t...
Dictators Mock Obama's Ignorance [Political Satire]
TV ad highlighting the ignorance and naivete of Barack Obama on foreign affairs. Tags: Barack Obama, Fidel Castro, Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud Ah...
The Millennials
Tags: Barack Obama, political humor, satire, Millennials To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / l...
Compare Qualifications: Obama vs McCain
This election, Democrats have put forward the least qualified presidential candidate in history. Tags: Barack Obama, campaign ad, John McCa...
McCain / Palin Rally in Hershey, PA (videos)
Today, Sarah Palin fires up a crowd at McCain / Palin Campaign Rally in Hershey, PA: John McCain promise to end the pork in Washington, fix ...
Obama to spread wealth to whole world
Today we mix a political cartoon with an insightful letter to the editor published Sunday in the Little Rock Arkansas Democrat Gazette and ...
McCain's Two Joe's Strategy Delayed by Obama
ARRA Editoral Comment: LOL - Borowitz Report : In a move unprecedented in the annals of presidential politics, Republican presidential nom...
Big Red Flag - Spread the Wealth
By William Warren Tags: Barack Obama, political humor, redistribution of wealth, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on ...
Obama’s Hawaii Trips Cost More Than Palin’s Clothes
By Ronald Kessler : Barack Obama’s trips to Hawaii on a chartered Boeing 757 each cost more than twice the price of Sarah Palin’s new clothe...
Vote Values on Nov. 4th or if Early Voting
Resources: The following is a list of available resources to learn more about Barack Obama and his extreme issues on particular issues. Libe...
What's Going On In Your School? Check It Out!
Tags: INSERT TAGS To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! ...
Democrats Sink to New Low in Ohio Legislative Race
by Bobby Eberle : To say that we are in troubling times is a huge understatement. We have an organization like ACORN running around the cou...
The Shadow Campaign?
Blogs 4 Borders! 102708 The shadow campaign? Another whole election campaign going on in another language. Is America Balkanizing? We take a...
Robin-You Hood
When your taxes are used to buy votes from those who will not work, you have been robbed by a government of thieves. "The democracy wil...
A New Welfare State Under Obama
by Ken Blackwell : Thanks to Joe the Plumber, we now know for sure that Barack Obama wants to "spread the wealth around." But the...
Zogby: Obama Leads 75% to 15% With Dead Voters
ARRA Editoral Comment: LOL - Free Republic — As if gaining with female and Catholic voters wasn't enough, Democratic President-to-be...
Joe Biden Gets Angry at ABC Reporter
H/T Politik Ditto : Finally, a member of the press, outside of FOX News, asks a member of the Obama campaign real questions on the issu...
5 Reasons To Think Twice Before Voting for Obama
by Mike Huckabee : Yesterday, I sent an email to key supporters asking them to pass on five of my reasons not to support Barack Obama: 1. G...
"Obama & Friends - A History Of Radicalism"
Sean Hannity of Hannity's America Special Report Entitled "Obama & Friends - A History Of Radicalism" Including Black Pant...
Who Should Confront the Iranian Time Bomb - Obama or McCain
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor : With the presidential election upon us, many people are also focused on the economy. However, we know from histor...