Breaking News
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Info Post
H/T to Political Vindication info on this story.
Telegraph: The head of Chicago's school system has proposed the creation of a "gay-friendly" high school to counter the high bullying, depression and drop-out rates among homosexual pupils.

The Pride Campus of Social Justice High School would be open to all students in the city, and would probably end up being “majority straight”, said Arne Duncan, the head of Chicago Public Schools.

But it would provide a supportive atmosphere for gay pupils, using prominent gays and lesbians - including James Baldwin and Gertrude Stein - in its curriculum.

Bill Greaves, the city’s liason officer on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues, said the school would “make sure these people are not invisible in history.”

He said it was important that gay and lesbian historical figures were highlighted to give young gay people positive, successful role models.

The scheme has already been tried elsewhere, with the Alliance High School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which considers itself "gay friendly" and has 125 students.

"We want to create great new options for communities that have been traditionally under-served," Mr Duncan said in the Chicago Tribune. "If you look at national studies, you see gay and lesbian students with high dropout rates... I think there is a niche there we need to fill."

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