Breaking News
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Info Post
by Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: Nancy Pelosi and congressional Democrats have kept their promise. They took control of Congress in 2006 partly on a campaign promise to lower the price of gas. And even though Nancy Pelosi kept her plan a secret while gas prices skyrocketed to record levels for the past two years, the Speaker from San Francisco has finally delivered. Gas prices are down, and the Democrats can take all the credit for it.

Now, before you start thinking I’ve lost my mind, let’s go back about six months. In an End of Day report on April 2nd, I wrote the following about high gas prices:
“There is one way guaranteed to get prices down fast – a deep U.S. or global recession. People without jobs to go to certainly use less gasoline. And if Democrats in Congress follow-up on their threats to raise taxes and continue to bash the capitalist system that has given our country great wealth, a deep recession may be exactly what we get. And when that happens, I doubt any of us will be applauding the lower prices at the pump.”
What’s happened since April 2nd? Just the mortgage meltdown, which triggered the stock market crash, and the global credit freeze and rising unemployment, virtually of all of which can be traced back to the liberal policies of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton in the Community Reinvestment Act. Not to mention the practices of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were championed by ACORN and vigorously defended by congressional Democrats like Senate Banking Committee Chairman Democrat Chris Dodd and House Financial Services Chairman Democrat Barney Frank, as well as the second largest recipient of campaign cash from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- Barack Obama.

Congratulations, Democrats, you did it. You tanked the economy and lowered gas prices. No wonder Congress has an 18% approval rating. Anyone applauding now?
Tags: ACORN, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Democrats, Gary Bauer, Nancy Pelosi, US Congress To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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