Breaking News
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Info Post
Robert Bluey, The Heritage Foundation Our Center for Data Analysis has a very detailed report (with several charts) looking the McCain and Obama tax proposals. Here are some of the highlights:

The Obama and McCain Tax Plans: How Do They Compare?
1) Job growth over the 10-year forecast horizon is more than twice as high under McCain's plan than under Obama's. Total employment grows an average of 915,800 jobs under Obama, and by 2,126,000 under McCain.
2) Increases in gross domestic product (GDP) under McCain are nearly three times higher than under Obama.
3) A family of four will have an average of $5,138 more in disposable income under McCain's plan, and $3,631 more under Obama's.

On health care, we have reports on each candidate’s plan:
The Obama Health Care Plan: More Power to Washington
Very little in the Obama health plan is new or original. A number of its policy initiatives are recycled from the ill-fated Clinton health plan of 1994 and the Kerry health plan of 2004 and bear a stark resemblance to a more detailed proposal by the Common wealth Fund, a prominent liberal think tank. In general, the Obama plan would give the federal government even more control of health care dollars and decisions—a radical departure from the decentralized decision-making system that characterizes employer-based insurance and state-based insurance regulation.

The McCain Health Care Plan: More Power to Families
McCain's vision for health care reform is underscored by a principled commitment to personal freedom. He focuses on reforming the system to empower individuals and families to make health care decisions and to control their health care dollars.

Tags: Election 2008, health care plan, Health Care Reform, Heritage Foundation, McCain, Obama, Robert Bluey, tax plan To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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