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Monday, October 20, 2008

Info Post
by Phyllis Schlafly: The media are piling on against John McCain and some pundits are predicting it's all over, that Barack Obama has somehow won the election. As the old saying goes, it's not over until the fat lady sings, and it's high time for the fat lady to sing about Obama's scary agenda and the many reasons why it is too risky to elect him President. We need to hear more about ACORN, the special-interest group that would like to steal this election by registering people who are not eligible to vote, such as registering ghost voters in Nevada under the names of the Dallas Cowboys. Obama's years of close association with ACORN need to be known to the public.

We should hear more about Obama's political friend William Ayers, the unrepentant bomber and Ward Churchill-type professor, who has a really scary plan to remake the curriculum of public schools in order to turn kids into radical socialists like himself. Obama helped deliver big bucks to Ayers' radical education project in Chicago. Obama has already introduced one
bill in the U.S. Senate called "Positive Behavior for Effective Schools Act," which would implement Ayers' social-outcome notions, and another to teach kindergartners Al Gore's propaganda about climate change. Voters should be reminded that Obama has called for making "sure your child can speak Spanish." We need to have further explanations of the hateful attitudes Obama expressed in his autobiography "Dreams from My Father." We need further investigation of author Jack Cashill's evidence that this book was actually ghost-written by William Ayers.

The media have carefully crafted the several presidential debates to avoid two issues that are helpful to John McCain and hurtful to Obama: immigration and abortion. Let's get those issues out on the table. Voters need to know that Obama favors giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. This practice is so unpopular with the voters that it brought down the political career of New York's recent unlamented Governor Eliot Spitzer and caused the recall of California Governor Gray Davis.

The one debate where the abortion issue was discussed was at Saddleback Church where Obama revealed his unacceptable attitude with the stupid
statement that a discussion of the personhood of an unborn baby is above his pay grade. What's really above his pay grade is the job of U.S. President and Commander in Chief. Four-dollar gasoline at the pump and the need for energy independence by drilling for American oil could be the number-one issue in the 2008 election. It should be hammered home to the voters that McCain and Sarah Palin are on the right side of this issue and Obama is wrong.

American voters need to be told that the current financial crisis was caused by the liberal policies of men who are mostly Democrats. A September 30, 1999 news
article in the New York Times explained how Fannie Mae, under its then chairman and Clinton-appointee Franklin D. Raines, took on "significantly more risk" by demanding that the banks give sub-prime mortgages to low-income people who could not afford the houses they were buying. By the end of the Clinton Administration, 44 percent of the loans purchased by Fannie Mae were these risky mortgages. ACORN accelerated this practice by getting unemployed people to demonstrate in bank lobbies, demanding that more mortgages be given to people without adequate credit.

Good U.S. manufacturing jobs were moving overseas years before the current financial crunch. The Clinton Administration globalists, the policies of Clinton's Wall Street friends such as Robert Rubin, and the trade agreements that discriminate against American workers and products are all part of our current economic distress. The American people should be reminded that everything Barack Obama proposes will require higher taxes. Only tax reduction and the encouragement of good U.S. jobs will promote economic recovery, not tax increases or taxpayer bailouts of the billions lost by avoidable mistakes.

State amendments for traditional marriage are repeatedly adopted by the voters. The public should be reminded that Obama opposes these amendments and said he "respects" the outrageous California same-sex marriage decision. The Democratic Platform
adds, "We oppose the Defense of Marriage Act." DOMA is one of the most popular laws ever passed by Congress; it protects us from judges who try to force other states to accept the gay mischief of Massachusetts, California, and Connecticut.

The voters should be reminded that Barack Obama is promising all kinds of costly benefits to be paid for by the already burdened taxpayers, such as his
bill to implement "the U.S. Millennium Development Goals, which aim to cut extreme poverty in half by 2015" and "double" our annual spending for this goal. Voters, not polls or pundits, will decide this presidential election. It's time to make sure the voters have as much information as possible about the candidates.
Tags: ACORN, Barack Obama, driver license, Election 2008, illegal aliens, John Mccain, Phyllis Schlafly, socialism, William Ayers To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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