Breaking News
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Info Post
The Wall Street Journal: "I've said it privately, so I might as well say it here: I think John McCain is going to win this election. And, while it may not be by a truly hefty margin, I believe it will be enough so as to leave those on the political left in America standing around on Wednesday morning, wondering what the hell just happened. Of course, I could be wrong. The polls certainly say that I am, and those of you following the Berg v. Obama case know that my gut feeling, as improbable as I admitted it was, was still off when it came to the disposition of the case in district court. That being said, I have confidence in middle America, in God-fearing people who bleed red, white and blue and who know, for one reason or another, that Barack Hussein Obama just isn't right for this country." (Karl Rove)

Tags: Election 2008, John McCain, Karl Rove To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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