by Virginia Crossland-Macha, Guest Editorial: Have you ever heard of "divide and conquer"? With 10 brothers and sisters, I am very familiar with this technique! All successful strategies in WARFARE have been successful because of the TROOPS coming together at the appropriate time and bringing the hammer down when the critical moment arrives. Memories of my brothers talking me out of my dessert springs to mind!
Yes, a finely tuned BATTLE plan can steer you to victory if your LEADER is steady and the mission is clear. I am describing how Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and how the American people have been able to stop or at least slow down the Left from transforming our country until reinforcements arrive.
Lately I have watched the Left try to divide and conquer ever successful organization that bleeds conservatism, moral obligation, or anti big government. Let's review: there are TEA parties, Americans For Prosperity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and on and on!
One of my friend has asked me to comment on John Martin's (the Happy Conservative) article on Outraged Patriots in which he addresses how the enemy is now within and alleges that that Americans For Prosperity is not who they say they are because AFP has not commented on immigration. Mr. Martin alludes to Joseph Farah of the World Net Daily Radio Show who discusses the infiltration of this enemy within and never included or named Americans For Prosperity. Martin's approach seems disingenuous or maybe Mr. Martin is suffering from what we all may be feeling - Frustration.
Since the new regime set up shop in Washington, D.C., AFP has spent more money to provide information and venues to inform the public on issues. National and AFP state chapters must operate with limited budgets which is even more limited during an election cycle. With so many issues, AFP has to chose what is most relevant and what issues are coming up for a vote. REMEMBER, staying focused and on message is the key strategy to stopping bad legislation. Americans For Prosperity has been highly successful in rounding up the troops to thwart the Left wing agendas by staying focused and on message. As a result, they have been able to inform the public who in turn has expressed their feelings to their elected officials. AFP actions along with the actions of other organizations has focus on the issues which has slowed down the voting on major pieces of the liberal transformation process.
Now, the Left is fighting back trying to divide AFP and its followers in order to overcome AFP's success. Consider the Left's madness. Recently, AFP was focused on nationally when Barack Obama gave his Seal of Disapproval to Americans For Prosperity. The President wants to know who contributes funds to AFP. Why? Because, AFP is focusing on the Obama administration's agenda. AFP's founders David Koch and Charles Koch have been elevated by the Left as questionable characters. Sound familiar; Villains and Secrets and Bears, Oh MY!
So, who is AFP? AFP is composed of Americans who turn out at rallies; Americans who give donations no matter how small or big; Americans who man phone lines; and Americans who helps get the message out to their friends and neighbors. Belief in limited Government, fiscal responsibility, and free market principles define most Americans so it is easy for most Americans to identify with AFP!
Who are the Koch brothers? To the Left, they are villains, but to Kansas (an America) they should be Heroes. First, there is their contribution to the American economy by providing private sector jobs. Jobs paid for by the private sector; jobs that are not dependent on the taxpayers. The Koch family has lived the American Dream and their efforts to preserve that dream for the many generations to come is commendable. Yes, they support organizations like AFP that promote transparency and limited government. As an American, I say Thank you God for giving us two Patriots that would suffer public scrutiny in order to preserve Freedom! To find out more, go to Koch Industries and search the site using the word "contributions" to learn about the myriad of the contributions made by the Koch family.
Yes, Mr. Martin's warning about the enemy within is all too real, but he missed the mark in condemning AFP? To the informed and involved AFP supporters, the accusation finger may well point back to Mr. Martin! Buying into generalities of the "Lame Stream" Media or misquoting Mr. Farah to make a point seems desperate at best. My suggestion to Mr. Martin is to support groups like FAIR who address illegal immigration as their focus. Put your money where your heart is. There are many one issue organizations that could use funding. But, everything you write or read, please fact check it. If you have the real facts on your side, you will be successful at the debate. But, leave the emotion at home. If the answers to your questions are not satisfactory, GO to the top! I am sure that if Mr. Martin would have contacted Tim Phillips, President of AFP, as to why AFP is not addressing illegal immigration, he would received an explanation. I have written Phillips numerous times and he has always responded. I do not doubt Mr. Martin's patriotism or conservatism; sometimes we all have hit the wall of frustration when patience runs out and our pen becomes the only outlet left!
Virginia Crossland-Macha resides in Kansas and is an citizen activist. She is not an officer or employee of Americans for Prosperity. However, she has joined with hundreds of thousands of people who support the American for Prosperity message of limited government and free enterprise. In 2009, Virgina even traveled to Arkansas to assist the ARRA Editor, at a TEA Party rally, in sharing information on the pending National Health Care Law which now requires citizens to buy medical insurance or to subject to fines and imprisonment.
Note: For those interested or mostly interested in illegal immigration or immigration reform, a list of potential organizations addressing these issues may be found by clicking here.
Tags: Americans for Prosperity, AFP, friend, not foe, I am AFP, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Americans for Prosperity - Friend Not Foe
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