President Barack Obama: "Right now, all across the country, special interests are planning and running millions of dollars of attack ads against Democratic candidates. Millions of dollars. And, the groups are benign-sounding: Americans for Prosperity. Who's against that? [Laughter] Or Committee for Truth in Politics. Or Americans for Apple Pie. Moms for Motherhood. I made those last two up. [Laughter]"His prior verbal attack on AFP was made in Austin Texas. Unfortunately, after the first attack on AFP, President Obama did not accept my invitation:
Bill Smith: "Mr. President, I invite you to join me at the AFP Defending the American Dream Summit in Washington, D.C. on August 27 and 28. If by chance you are too busy to come and listen, then just peek out your White House window on August 28 (8/28) to see millions of people gathering from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington monument to all the surrounding areas to honor America and the principles of our forefathers that most Americans hold dear."Now, President Obama and his left wing allies are back to accusing AFP and its 1.2 million grassroots activists of being a "foreign-controlled corporation" or a front for "big banks" or "big oil". Why, because AFP reveals the special interest behind Obama's agenda and has a network of activists who are working to combat that agenda. Below is the video Response from AFP:
In the video, there are two photos included in the video which represent the over 30,000 AFP Activist in Arkansas. It certainly appears that Arkansas AFP actvists are scaring the bejesus out of President Barack Obama. One of the pictures is from the AFP RightOnline conference in Las Vegas. Right there in the front row cheering on the speakers are several people from the Faulkner County (Arkansas) Tea Party. Mr. Obama these people are AFP. They are voters with lots of friends, family and neighbors!
Another scene in the video is an audience of over 700 people who gathered at 8 am on a Wednesday morning in the Ozark Mountains in Baxter County, Arkansas to kick off the AFP November is Coming rally. Many of these fine people are members of the local Ozark TEA Party. This event was held on a school / work day during the week, otherwise thousands would have been present. At their last TEA party weekend event, over 3200 people attended. Mr. Obama these people are not foreign corporations, big banks or oil company minions or even lobbyists. And unlike the words in your speech, they are straight talking and do not prevaricate. Mr. Obama, these people are AFP and they vote and have lots of friends, family and neighbors!
Mr. President, across the United States, there are multitudes of people who took offense at your words. They are all good people - good citizens - great Americans - who have been or are Democrats, Republicans, independents, and former-"non-involved" individuals. Mr. Obama, millions of other Americans across the nation have been awakened or are being awakened by you, your administration and your elitist agenda to grasp more power to the executive branch and to expand big government. They are all Americans "for prosperity" even if they they are not members of the AFP organization! Many may not have known about AFP. Even with your spurious comments, I am sure AFP appreciates your making millions of others aware of AFP. And, these millions vote!
AFP had 1.2 million grassroots activists before Mr. Obama's latest political campaign speech. He seems to prefer the partisan campaign trail even though he is already the occupant of the White House. It is one thing to use the "bully pulpit" of the presidency for principled ideals, it is quite another to use the benefits of the Office of the President to campaign for individuals, to raise funds for a his political party, and to actually attempt to smear others. What has Mr. Obama said about the criminal actions of ACORN and numerous other left leaning organizations?
Thank you, Mr. President for your dripping satire which fuels and inspires the growing conservative movement across America. Thank you, for again reminding us why we need to stay vigilant, to be informed and aware of the encroachment of big government, to knock on doors, to make phone calls, to VOTE, to support AFP and a myriad of other organizations and candidates. We almost can't await for your next Saturday Night Live style rant about Americans For Prosperity.
Finally, Mr Obama, it should be obvious to you that I am not big oil, a bank or a foreign controlled corporation. After all, don't you already control big oil, the banks, the auto industry and much more? I am but one person, a native born American Ohio buckeye of Irish descent with ancestors who fought to free the slaves and to preserve the Union. I had two fathers who fought in the Battle of the Bulge in WWII, in the battles for the Pacific islands in WWII, and in Korea. I am a husband, father, grandfather, a retired 22 year Air Force veteran having served on three continents, and a retired professor. I am AFP and I vote! And as a blogger, I sharing with a "few" thousand people who then share with several more thousand more people.
But, it is not about me or the previously mentioned patriots who stand transparent and limited government, free markets, liberty and individual freedom It is about you - President Obama and your progressive elitist agenda. Unfortunately to us "lesser" Americans, you do not govern, speak, or advocate for the "prosperity of" America.
Related Article: Barack Obama Gives Seal of Disapproval to Americans For Prosperity
Tags: Americans for Prosperity, AFP, Barack Obama, RightOnline, November is Coming, prosperity, America, Arkansas, Bill Smith To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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