So, the ARRA News Service will evidence its bias toward conservatives and against the lame street media by reporting what the AR-Dem would not report. Below, Gov. Mike describes the situation and presents his rejected guest editorial addressing Facts and the Fair Tax.
by Mike Huckabee: Recently, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette published an editorial attacking John Boozman and me for supporting the Fair Tax. The criticism mirrored that of Senator Blanche Lincoln and like most of the attacks on the fair tax, it didn't let the facts get in the way of a strong opinion to keep the status quo of the tax system. I asked to submit a guest column to thoroughly present the other side, but the idea of a guest column was rejected by the newspaper, which is their prerogative. Since they chose not to tell the other side, I will take to the forum of my website to do so and would ask that you forward the article to everyone you can, especially if you have friends in AR so they will know that Blanche Lincoln is as wrong on the Fair Tax as she was on Obamacare and the stimulus. It's apparent that she hasn't read the Fair Tax bill anymore than she read the 2300 pages of the Obamacare bill.
The Fair Tax is hardly a “half-baked” idea. It is the result of over $22 million dollars of scholarly research involving economists from Harvard, MIT, Stanford, University of Chicago, Boston University, and other prestigious universities.
In a nutshell, the Fair Tax is a flat tax, but instead of taxing our productivity (income, investment, savings, capital gains, or inheritance), we are taxed at the point of consumption at the retail level on new items. It is flat, fair, finite, and family friendly. It is totally transparent, unlike the hideous tax structure we currently have and is not a VAT that assesses taxes at production points, but remains largely hidden to the consumer.
The criticism that it would “hurt the poor” is the surest evidence that the critic is ignorant of the pre-bate built into the fair tax, which un-taxes consumption of our basic necessities, and which the studies show actually creates the greatest benefit to those in the lower third of the economy, significant benefit to the middle third of the economy, and some benefit, but less to those in the top third of the economy.
Here’s what the Fair Tax will do:
1. Eliminate the IRS and its indecipherable 67,000 pages of tax code so complex that even Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner and 41 members of the White House staff seem unable to understand it (or else simply unwilling to comply with it.)
2. Release $13 TRILLION of U. S. capital back into our economy that is presently legally, but unfortunately parked offshore to protect it from the ravenous tax rates.
3. End the nightmarish accounting and legal nightmare for small business operators (and large ones) and allow them to actually make BUSINESS decisions instead of TAX decisions.
4. Eliminate an estimated $500 Billion of expenses related to compliance with the complicated tax code that produces nothing but government paperwork.
5. Virtually eliminate the underground economy by making taxpayers out of illegals, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, gamblers, and others who work “off the books.”
6. Restore a person’s full paycheck—one will receive in many cases his or her first full paycheck with no deductions taken out.
7. Eliminate the hidden and embedded tax on all the things we purchase, which is approximately 22%.
Unfortunate and misguided or perhaps dishonest statements have been made about the Fair Tax, some of which stems from the utterly nutty critique some years ago by Robert Bartley of the Wall Street Journal who went so far as to try and allege that the Fair Tax was a secret plot of the Church of Scientology. Some point to a supposed study of the Fair Tax by the Bush administration, which was a consumption tax, but not one that involved the all critical pre-bate. Some simply fail to understand the power of the pre-bate for low income earners or have failed to recognize how significantly the political dynamics of Washington would change if Congress were no longer able to manipulate the tax code so as to create winners and losers according to the whims of Congress rather than to the free marketplace.
The so-called “sticker shock” of a 23% tax rate seems ominous until one realizes that with the various payroll taxes, hidden taxes in our purchases, etc., the average American already pays almost 33% in taxes now at the federal level.
The Fair Tax would be a legitimate economic stimulus package by creating a level playing field for manufacturing. When U. S. companies are having to factor in the embedded taxes on our side, but our competitors in China don’t, we have a hard time keeping our manufacturing and our jobs here.
I recommend that one read “The Fair Tax” by Congressman John Linder and Neal Boortz or the follow-up book by the same authors, “The Fair Tax Answers,” or go to and then at least base whatever criticism on something other than internet chatter and less than complete understanding of the facts of the Fair Tax.
Other sites of interest: FairTax Nation, FairTax FaceBook Page, FairTax Nation FB Group, FairTax Nation Twitter
Tags: Mike Huckabee, Arkansas, Fair Tax, FairTax, FairTax, facts, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, attacks, John Boozman, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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