People obviously aren't looking for saints, many tried doing that in 2008 with the "anointed one" who even admitted doing cocaine and that didn't work out too well. All you Democrat earth worshiping wonks, pot heads, abortionists, Ouija board playing, big spending, non-tax paying elitist need to stop feigning outrage at O'Donnell's admission. We know what you they are doing. Imagine the fear in the White House, the former Senate seat of Massachusetts democrat Ted Kennedy goes Republican. Now, they are facing the potential of filthy mouthed Vice President Joe Biden's former senate seat being lost to a perky young conservative woman. It has been rumored that Old Joe has been expressing a few F-bombs this week in his office in the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) as he helps rally volunteers for Coons
WaPo: Christine O'Donnell fights back at Values Voter Summit
Fox: O’Donnell Speech Stirs Crowd, Sparks Concern
Wash Times: O'Donnell rebukes 'Keynesian' Obama
Politico: Christine O'Donnell hits the stage at Values Voter Summit
Hill: O'Donnell to summit: 'We're not taking our country back, we are our country'
NPR: O'Donnell Says 'We're Passionate' Not 'Wing Nuts'
CNN: Outsider meets with top insiders in DC
Fox: Dem Candidate Coons Comes Under Scrutiny in Delaware Senate Race
Power Line: Krauthammer applies the Buckley rule
Politico: O'Donnell may be the average American
CQ: O’Donnell Gets Warm Welcome From Family Research Council Activism haunts O'Donnell's bid
Human Events: Political Castles Crashing
American Thinker: Christine O'Donnell and the Tea Party Era
American Thinker: The Krauthammer-Rove Axis of Disdain
Weekly Standard: Are O'Donnell Skeptics Sexists? RINOs? Both?
CBS: Christine O'Donnell: "I Dabbled Into Witchcraft"
WaPo: Christine O'Donnell in 1999: 'I dabbled into witchcraft'
Telegraph UK: Christine O'Donnell, the GOP contender, admitted she 'dabbled in witchcraft'
Long Island Press: Christine O’Donnell Video: O’Donnell Admits to Dabbling in Witchcraft
WaPo: Delaware's O'Donnell is a 'tea party' hero, but controversy casts a shadow
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