Breaking News
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Info Post
Rasmussen Reports in its Daily Presidential Tracking Poll (9/5/2010) gave President Obama his lowest Negative Approval rating ever; a -23 (24% of nation strongly approve; 47% Strongly Disapprove of Obama Performance as President. On a full-month basis, the Presidential Approval Index has stayed between -14 and -17 for eight of the past nine months.

National Voter Rating of Obama Performance as President:
Strongly Disapprove 47%
Strongly Approve 24%
Difference -23

Overall, all Voters on President's Performance:
42% of voters at least Somewhat Approve
57% Disapprove.

The Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Balance of Power shows Democrats with a 48-45 advantage for the US Senate while seven races remain Toss-Ups (California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Ohio, Washington, and Wisconsin).

The Rasmussen Reports Gubernatorial Scorecard projects 27 Governorships for the GOP, 16 for the Democrats, and seven Toss-Ups (Florida, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and Wisconsin).

Tags: Rasmussen Reports, President Barack Obama, September 5, 2010, approval index, approval, disapproval, Congress, economy, repeal Obamacare To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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