Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: If you think today is just the day after Labor Day, you’re wrong. This also marks the first day of the campaign season – the day when most Americans historically begin tuning into elections. First, the good news. The polling is tremendously encouraging for Republicans, as this Politico column notes. But the bad news is that Democrats won’t be caught off guard like they were in 1994.
It is difficult to overstate the resource advantage Democrats have. While conservatives were demoralized after 2006 and 2008, the Left experienced a fundraising bonanza. As a result, Democrat incumbents in many of the most critical races have huge bank accounts. They will use this cash to dominate the airwaves, “carpet bombing” their conservative challengers with negative ads from now until November 2nd.
Moreover, it was recently reported that two labor unions – the AFL-CIO and the SIEU – will spend “a combined $88 million or more” in the elections. That’s just two organizations among the myriad of left-wing groups! The Left’s strategy is clear.
Liberals can’t campaign on their own record. From the stimulus to healthcare “reform,” they have failed miserably. In fact, one analysis of campaign ads found “it appears that no Democratic incumbent — in the House or in the Senate — has run a pro-[ObamaCare] TV ad since April, when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) ran one.”
Democrats are going to do to every conservative candidate what they have done to Sarah Palin – they want voters to forget about all the failures of the liberal agenda, and they will try to convince you that conservatives are stupid, extremists, wacky, racist, etc. Don’t fall for it. Our country can’t afford two more years of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid regime.
ACTION ITEM: In the days ahead, we will be asking for additional financial support. But here’s something that won’t cost you a dime. Talk to your friends and family members, especially younger voters.
The evidence is overwhelming that many young people who voted for Obama are rethinking that choice, as the New York Times reports. If you’ve got a young person in your family who can’t get a job, who thinks unborn babies deserve to be protected by the law, who wants to see America free, strong and prosperous, approach him or her about those issues.
Talk about how high taxes and government regulation kill jobs. (Even Obama’s former budget director now says all the Bush tax cuts should be extended.) Explain how Obama’s record deficit spending threatens their future standard of living. Remind them that America is a force for good in the world and that our values are worth defending.
This is important, friends. The Democrat National Committee is spending $50 million to re-connect with first-time votes who backed Obama in 2008. In many cases, they are college graduates now entering the work force and facing a future that is less hopeful than the one they were promised two years ago. We can win their votes in 56 days.
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families. He submitted the above in an email to the ARRA News Service Editor. Bauer was a former Republican presidential candidate and served as President Ronald Reagan’s domestic policy adviser.
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Campaign Season Officially Underway
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