Debbie Pelley |
by Debbie Pelley, Guest Contributor: Compare in the story linked below about an American Mom was convicted and jailed for falsely claiming residency in a school district versus the way illegal aliens are treated for falsely claiming residence in our country. And how many false claims and lies do illegal aliens have to tell in order to stay in our country? This is the type of discrimination and breakdown of law that occurs when laws are applied to some and not applied to others. Note also in the article below how important the money is to this school district and how much it costs to educate children. Yet in Arkansas our Governor does not even want to determine the cost of illegal aliens to the taxpayers. Yes, we do educate illegal aliens as ordered by a Court decision; but if they were not drawn to Arkansas for other benefits, then taxpayers would not have to bear this extra burden. We might even be able to take away all the tax on groceries for American citizens with the money we save.
Hispanic Enrollment Has Increased 124.7% from 2000 to 2010Enrollment of Hispanic students in Arkansas in K-12 have increased from
18,620 students to
41,839 student in the last
ten years, from 2000 to 2010, a
124.7% increase. Our total enrollment has increased by only 4.42%. Total enrollment in our schools in 2000 was 448,246 and in 2010 it is 468,066 or an increase of 19,820 students in ten years or 4.42%.
If we had not had an increase in Hispanic students, we would have a lower enrollment now than ten years ago. These figures were calculated is from the Department of Education website.
At least 2/3 to 3/4 of these students either illegal or are anchor babies who have illegal parents. I think it takes at least five years to become legalized so very few of them could have become legal in the last ten years. The per pupil spending in 2007 was $8,348 so that would be about $194 million. If you use the $9,150 figure that is most often used for low scoring students in Seth Blomeley's article, "Money spent on students Parsed" April 24, 2008, then that amount would come to about $212,453,850 and the per pupil spending has gone up since 2007. This amount does not include Pre-K programs for Hispanics.
Ohio Mom Jailed for Lying About Kids' School ResidencyHow far would you go to get your children into a better public school? The best intentions of one Ohio woman landed her in jail. In a highly unusual case, Kelley Williams-Bolar, a single mother who lived in Akron public housing, was convicted of lying about her residency in order to send her two daughters to a highly ranked school. Her sentence, which inflamed emotions in the community, was 10 days in jail, according to reports, and is due to end this week.
"It's overwhelming. I'm exhausted," she told ABC News. "I did this for them, so there it is. I did this for them."
Four years ago, Williams-Bolar, 40, sent her girls, now 12 and 16, to the Copley-Fairlawn school district that was outside her Akron district of residence, reports said. Her father lives in the Copley-Fairlawn district, and she said she lived with him part-time after her home was burglarized and she wanted her children safe. "When my home got broken into, I felt it was my duty to do something else," . . . [
Full Story]
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