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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Info Post
"I Hope The President And His Allies In Congress Accept A Simple Truth: Big Government Is Blocking Job Creation, Not Helping It. The Sooner Washington Ends Its Dependence On More Spending, The Sooner Our Economy Will See Real Growth.’ - Sen Ron Johnson (R-WI)

In the Weekly Republican Address, newly elected Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson,  a business owner of a plastics manufacturing firm in Wisconsin, introduces himself and addresses the the Government is blocking job creation:

"For those of you who don't know me, this is the first elective office I have ever sought or held. The reason I ran is simple and straightforward. We are bankrupting America, and I thought it was time for citizen legislators to come to Washington to help those individuals already here that are seriously facing that reality."

He explains, "I hope the President and his allies in Congress accept a simple truth: big government is blocking job creation, not helping it. The sooner Washington ends its dependence on more spending, the sooner our economy will see real growth. I bring the perspective of someone who's been creating jobs, meeting a payroll, balancing a budget, and living under the rules, regulations, and taxes that politicians here in Washington impose on the rest of us. I know firsthand the incentives and disincentives, the intended and unintended consequences of government intrusion into our lives. Unfortunately, when it comes to creating jobs, government is rarely helpful. Government tends to make it harder and more expensive to create jobs. We need to make job creation easier and cheaper."

Sen. Johnson says, "History proves that governments do not know how to efficiently allocate capital. Millions of private individuals, acting independently within the free market system, do it best. We need to encourage and incentivize entrepreneurs, not tax and regulate them out of business. We've also heard the President talk about controlling spending and the deficit. If he's serious about it, he should present a serious plan. If he does, I feel confident Republicans will be willing to help him get it passed."

Tags: Senator, Ron Johnson, Wisconsin, US Senator, Republican, GOP, weekly address, video, big government, regulations, lost jobs To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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