Get Ready for Obama's 2011 State of The Union Speech!
Similar To His Failed Stimulus Package, President Obama ‘Wants To Spend More’ And Wants You To Call It An ‘Investment’‘Investment’ – ‘Just Another Name For Spending’“With Mr. Obama Planning To Call For ‘Investments’ Of Tax Dollars In Specific Areas Like Education, Infrastructure And Technology, Republicans Insisted That ‘Investment’ Was Just Another Name For Spending That The Nation Can Ill Afford.”
“Obama Wants To Spend More On Education, Research And Development, And The Nation's Infrastructure - areas that many Republicans view as ripe for deep cuts.”
Obama Called The Failed $814 Billion Stimulus An ‘Investment’ 14 Times During The Bill's Signing CeremonyPRESIDENT OBAMA: “Because We Know We Can't Build Our Economic Future On The Transportation And Information Networks Of The Past, We Are Remaking The American Landscape With The Largest New Investment In Our Nation's Infrastructure since Eisenhower built an interstate highway system in the 1950s.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Because Of This Investment, nearly 400,000 men and women will go to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, repairing our faulty dams and levees, bringing critical broadband connections to businesses and homes in nearly every community in America, upgrading mass transit, building high-speed rail lines that will improve travel and commerce throughout our nation.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Because We Know America Can't Outcompete The World Tomorrow If Our Children Are Being Out-Educated Today, We're Making The Largest Investment In Education In Our Nation's History.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “It's An Investment That Will Create Jobs Building 21st-Century Classrooms And Libraries and labs for millions of children across America.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “It's An Investment That Will Create A New $2,500 Annual Tax Credit to put the dream of a college degree within reach for middle-class families and make college affordable for 7 million students -- (applause) -- helping more of our sons and daughters aim higher, reach further, fulfill their God-given potential.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “It's An Investment That Will Take The Long Overdue Step Of Computerizing America's Medical Records to reduce the duplication and waste that costs billions of health care dollars and medical errors that cost thousands of lives each year.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “It's An Investment That Will Double The Amount Of Renewable Energy produced over the next three years -- think about that -- double the amount of renewable energy in three years -- (applause) -- provide tax credits and loan guarantees to companies like Namaste, a company that will be expanding, instead of laying people off, as a result of the plan that I'm about to sign.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “The Investment We're Making Today Will Create A Newer, Smarter Electric Grid. It will allow for broader use of alternative energy.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “This Investment Will Place Smart Meters In Homes, to make our energy bills lower, make outages less likely and make it easier to use clean energy.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “It's An Investment That Will Save Taxpayers Over $1 Billion, by slashing energy costs in our federal buildings by 25 percent; save working families hundreds of dollars a year, on their energy bills, by weatherizing over 1 million homes.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “And It's An Investment That Takes The Important First Step Towards A National Transmission Superhighway that will connect our cities to the windy plains of the Dakotas and the sunny deserts of the Southwest.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “And Just As President Kennedy Sparked An Explosion Of Innovation When He Set America's Sights On The Moon, I Hope This Investment Will Ignite Our Imagination Once More, spurring new discoveries and breakthroughs, in science and in medicine and in energy, to make our economy stronger and our nation more secure and our planet safer for our children.”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Now, While This Package Is Composed Mostly Of Critical Investments, it also includes aid to state and local governments, to prevent layoffs of firefighters or police recruits in -- (applause) -- recruits, recruits like the ones in Columbus, Ohio, who were told that instead of being sworn in as officers, they were about to be let go.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “What I'm Signing, Then, Is A Balanced Plan With A Mix Of Tax Cuts And Investments. It's a plan that's been put together without earmarks or the usual pork barrel spending. It's a plan that will be implemented with an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability.”
Tags: President Obama, Barack Obama, spending, investment, STOU, State of Union Address, 2011 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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