Breaking News
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: Can we all get a state funded ride to work? Of course not! I can understand liberal Democrats presuming on the taxpayers and whimpering for rides at government expense. U.S Rep. Nancy Pelosi set a great example for them. But, I must admit that I cannot understand Republican Sen. Gilbert Baker doing so as he lives in Conway which is fairly close to Little Rock especially when compared to the rest of the legislature. I tried to reach Baker for comment but the Arkansas Senate had already recessed for the weekend. They like long weekends. I recall that Baker ran for the US Senate as a conservative seeking fiscal responsibility and reduced spending. Appears some alignment is needed n his positions and actions. Hint: actions speak loader than words.

I was able to reach Arkansas State Sen. Kim Hendren (R-Gravette), a former Republican candidate for the US Senate. It is always enjoyable to visit with Hendren who likes to shares what is going on at the legislature and of course his position on issues. He shared that he and his wife "came down the night before the snow storm because we understand planning for the Arkansas weather." Hendren, a successful conservative businessman says all members of the legislature should be "careful about spending government money" and should "exercise good judgment."

Suggest letting your Senator or Representative know that they should forget any future state funded helicopter rides to get to work on time. They are more than welcome to pay their own money for private charter rides.

Teresa Oelke, Arkansas Director, AFP shares in vdeo response to government misuse of funds using the Arkansas State Police helicopter to fly certain "special" legislative members to the Arkansas capitol in Little Rock, AR for the opening of the legislature. The "special" people were Sen. Steve Harrelson (D-Texarkana), Sen. Gilbert Baker (R-Conway), Sen. Sue Madison (D-Madison) and Sen. Stephanie Flowers (R-Pine Bluff).

With Arkansas income declining in 70 of 75 counties, Arkansans expect their state government to spend their dollars wisely. That's just common sense.

Tags: Arkansas, Government spending, Arkansas Legislature, Fiscal Responsibility, AFP, AFP-Arkansas, Teresa Oelke, State Police, helicopter ride, government spending, democrats, Steve Harrelson, Texarkana, Sue Madison, Madison, Stephanie Flowers, Pine Bluff, republican, Gilbert Baker, Conway To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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