Breaking News
Friday, April 15, 2011

Info Post
IRS 4:15 “On this day you SHALT pay taxes.”
Today, is the day when the "Masters" permanent collect from the people who actually work a share of their wages received for working. While the "Big Government" uses the Roman Empire method of  "Tax Collectors" aka/ the IRS, the Government seeks to make the work of the IRS less onerous by asking us all to voluntarily prepay our taxes and by the close of business on April 15th each year file tax forms and settle up differences. While some may argue that this is only fair, there is nothing fair about the present method of income taxes.   The tax is not equally applied to all and is actually greater on the ones who work or earn the most via their efforts.

So what is fair? Fair is for everyone having "skin in the game." Everyone paying tax and not just those whom "work." We need a fairer tax -  one that also eliminated the cost of the IRS. One of the forms of taxation being proposed to accomplish both of these efforts is commonly called the FairTax.

Presently Americans face federal personal and corporate income taxes, estate taxes, gift taxes, capital gains taxes, the alternative minimum tax, Social Security and Medicare taxes plus self-employment taxes verses a simple, national sales tax on new goods and services

There are 67,000+ pages of tax code and regulations the IRS even gets wrong vs 133 pages in The Fair Tax Act. And this tax code is loophole ridden due to special interests verses getting the same deal as the next guy. Imagine, America is spending approximately $300,000,000,000 in total cost to figure out taxes every year verses looking at a shopping receipt.

Then we have politicians and lobbyists practice of divide and conquer with exemptions and social engineering verses one with a clear rate for all Americans beyond the poverty line. We have constant class warfare through the tax code verses the right, left and center against the self interests of Congress.

We have regressive payroll taxes off the top of our earnings verses truly not paying taxes on necessities. We pay Washington before we see the money before we even see the money verses "pay-as-you-go" taxes only on what you choose to spend. We are in a system where each person is guilty until proven innocent verses an IRS free sales. taxes. IRS intrusions vs simple cash register payments.

Charitable giving with only 30% receiving tax write-offs verses a $2,100,000,000 giving increase due to 100% pre-tax donation dollars in a booming economy. 

We have US manufacturers at a worldwide corporate tax disadvantage verses American exports competing fairly. Trillions of dollars held offshore due to high US taxes verses tax free investments back into our economy. More US jobs to China verses the Made in America label. There are cascading layers of taxes on products when raw materials are harvested, items are manufactured, shipped and sold at retail in addition to corporate taxes verses one flat tax rate at the point of final consumption. $10 billion IRS budget verses collection fees to states. Documenting, measuring, and tracking income for tax purposes until April 15th verses April 15th just being a spring day.

There are many other positive considerations.  The FairTax is worth discussing and the efforts to follow choices previously in our history, to stop taxing incomes. For more detailed information visit  Below is a video to better explain the FairTax

Tags: April 15, tax day, IRS, Internal Revenue Service, income taxes, FairTax To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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