Breaking News
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Info Post
Harry Reid and President Obama say a government shutdown would impact Social Security benefits. Experts disagree.

LtCol BJ Brown, USAF, Retired, Opinion Letter to Editor: What actually happens during a federal government shutdown?

Despite some of the nonsensical rhetoric coming from our national "leadership", Schumer and Reid in particular, mandatory spending continues even during a government shutdown.
  • Social Security checks still go out to recipients.
  • The military still gets paid.
  • Essential services continue.

What we wind up without during such a shutdown are all non-essential services.  To that, I say: FINE! Let's see how the country runs without non-essential government services.  I'm betting we will do...just fine.  The problem for the big-government types is that people may learn that their lives continue pretty much as usual during a government shutdown, when billions on Congressional are NOT being spent.  Once that gets out, people may wonder why we need to spend all that money in the first place. THAT could help future budget decisions.

Read the Following For More Information:
Tags: Federal government, shutdown, facts, reality, mandatory spending, discretionary spending To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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