Dr. Alan Keyes |
Recently, Donald "You are fired" Trump, has expressed similar concerns when asked his opinion since he is considering running for president. Now, a recent article by Politico identifies that Herman Cain was asked about Trump's raising questions about President Barack Obama's citizenship. Presidential candidate Herman Cain responded, "it's just not an issue that I have studied enough to have a view one way or the other. I respect people that believe he should prove his citizenship." Cain also said, "He should prove he was born in the United States of America."
With black American patriots like Herman Cain and Alan Keyes addressing this issue even at arms length, we can clearly state that this is not a "racist issue"; but, it is a Constitutional issue. Unlike Bill O'Reilly, we cannot label everyone as a birther who wants to see Obama's valid birth certificate. O'Reilly's arrogance got in the way of the facts when he said that The Factor (he) had investigated and seen the documents. It is now known that there were no documents; there were newspaper announcements but not the birth certificate.
Today, President Barack Obama announced that he will run for a second term. However, he has used the power of the Presidency to seal by Executive Order all his birth and educational records which in fact deny lawful voters from determining the truth about the candidate. We are over half way through Obama's first term of office and a dark shadow of intrigue and deception hangs over his presidency. Based on his performance to date, it seem only right that the public finally see the documents that have even eluded responsible reporters for so long.
Tags: Barack Obama, eligibility, reelection announcement, birth certificate, birther, Alan Keyes, Donald Trump, Herman Cain, Bill O'Reilly, US Constitution, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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