Via Wikipedia |
The top 1 percent of TAXPAYERS pay 40 percent of all income taxes. The top 10 percent pay 70 percent. Forty-seven percent of the nation are freeloaders paying nothing or getting welfare which is why we still elect the Democrats who reward them. Dem/Progressive/Socialist/Leftists find it easy to be compassionate with other people's money, pat themselves on the back for it, and recoil in horror if anyone suggests it's not really compassion.
Senator Jim Demint (SC) and 10 Senate GOP cosponsors introduced a term limits amendment. The Constitutional Amendment would allow members of the House of Representatives to serve a maximum of three terms of two years, and Senators two terms of six years each. It's a start 78% of us support.
A Columbia Law School poll found two-thirds of Americans think, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." is in our Constitution. The framers of the Constitution did not pen this phrase. Karl Marx wrote it, the foundation of communism, not our Constitutional Republic.
If the 'birthers" are crazy, how do you explain the videotape showing Obama explicitly stating, "I was born in Kenya," and Michelle referring to Barack visiting his homeland, Kenya.
You want socialized medicine? Contemplate this. Margaret Hutchon, former director of Britain's National Health Service, died after waiting nine months for stomach surgery. If Obama feels compelled to offer thousands of waivers exempting favored bodies -- mainly unions -- from Obamacare, why is it supposed to be so good for the rest of us?
We are witnessing what always happens when government runs something – complete ignorant incompetence leading to terrible decisions and horrendous results. Social Security? Broke. Medicare? Broke. Medicaid? Broke. The Post Office? Broke. Amtrak? Broke. The Feds even lost money running the famous Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada thanks to Cretin Reid.
According to a poll, 55 percent of college students approve of the job President Obama is doing which speaks to the state of higher education in the USA.
PL Booth is a retired Federal employee, professional writer, political activist, aviator, motorcycle enthusiast, and conservative. He writes at The Blue Eye View.
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