Congress: where everyday is Fool’s Day? Image - H/T Witch's Will |
Congress adjourned for the weekend. It was too dangerous for them to work today - it was April Fool's Day. On Tuesday, the Senate is scheduled to hold two votes on H.R. 4, the House-passed bill repealing the onerous 1099 reporting requirement imposed on small businesses by the Democrats’ health care law.
Yesterday, the ARRA News Service reported that “All 47 Senate Republicans Introduce Balanced Budget Amendment." This year’s budget deficit is projected to be $1.6 trillion, and the national debt is currently $14.1 trillion. The key provisions of the new balanced budget amendment (BBA) are: Congress must pass a balanced budget; the President has to submit a balanced budget; spending is capped at 18% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP); ‘supermajority’ vote (two-thirds of House and Senate) to raise taxes; and ‘new supermajority’ vote (three-fifths of House and Senate) to raise the debt ceiling.” The amendment also includes provisions allowing for potential necessary spending during declared wars or military conflicts on a vote of Congress. In addition, the amendment prohibits federal or state courts from ordering tax increases to comply with the provisions of the amendment. Read the Full Text of proposed Balanced Budget Amendment.
Reuters writes, “[B]ackers are hopeful this [amendment] may succeed amid an unprecedented push to trim the federal deficit, projected to hit $1.4 trillion this year. ‘It's long past the time that we stop spending money we don't have,’ said Senator Lamar Alexander, a member of Republican leadership. ‘Requiring that we balance our national budget is a logical step in that direction.’”
Speaking on about the amendment on the floor yesterday, Senate GOP Leader McConnell said, “American families have to balance their budgets. So should their elected representatives in Washington. It’s not too much to expect that lawmakers spend no more than they take in. I mean, since when is it extreme to want to balance the books?
“And that brings us to the heart of the matter. The last time the Senate voted on a balanced budget amendment, in 1997, the federal deficit was a little over $100 billion. Today, it’s about $1.6 trillion. Back then, the national debt was about $5 and a half trillion. Today, it’s closer to $14 trillion. Back then, the amendment failed by just one vote. Today, Democrats are already lining up against it.”
Eleven Democrats voted for a balanced budget amendment in 1997. Given how much more serious our debt crisis is today, will Democrats vote to put our country’s fiscal house in order and require Congress to do what every family and business in America must do?
There appears to be growing democrat support for McConnell EPA Amendment as identified by these press sources:
SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): “I Believe There’ll Be 13 To 15 Democrats That Will Vote For It,” “I’m Working On Them I Can Tell You… I Think They’re Going To Vote For It, I Really Do.” (Metro News’ “Hoppy Kercheval Show,” 4/1/11)
SEN. MAX BAUCUS (D-MT) On The EPA Regulating CO2: “I Do Not Want The EPA Writing Those Regulations.” “One issue discussed was Environmental Protection Agency's role in greenhouse gas regulations. Baucus noted, ‘I mentioned that I do not want the EPA writing those regulations. I think it's too much power in the hands of one single agency, but rather climate change should be a matter that's essentially left to the Congress.’” (“Baucus Meets With Energy Distributors In Great Falls,” KRTV.Com, 10/5/10; Video )
SEN. BEN NELSON (D-NE): “Controlling The Levels Of Carbon Emissions Is The Job Of Congress. We Don't Need EPA Looking Over Congress' Shoulder Telling Us We're Not Moving Fast Enough … Because EPA regulations would be a government-directed command-and-control regime, they would raise the price of energy in Nebraska, add greatly to administrative costs, and create new layers of bureaucracy. The burden would fall squarely on Nebraska families, farmers and businesses.” (“Nelson Cosponsors Resolution To Fight EPA Overreach,” McCook Daily Gazette, 1/22/10)
SEN. MARY LANDRIEU (D-LA): “The Fact Remains That Allowing The EPA To Make An End Run Around Congress And Twist The Clean Air Act For This Purpose Would Result In Ever-Changing Regulations And Uncertainty In The Private Investment Market That Would Damage Louisiana's Already Fragile Economy And Fail To Address The Risks Of Climate Change.” (Sen. Landrieu, Press Release, 6/10/10)
SEN. DEBBIE STABENOW (D-MI): “I Don't Want To See EPA Move Ahead On Its Own.” (“White House Steps Up Effort To Kill Murkowski Resolution,” National Journal, 6/10/10)
SEN. MARK PRYOR (D-AR): “…I Firmly Believe That Congress, And Not The EPA, Should Determine Policy On Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” (Sen. Pryor, Statement, 6/11/10)
SEN. TIM JOHNSON (D-SD): “Congress Is The Most Appropriate Place To Debate And Create Rules That Would Address Greenhouse Gases.” (Sen. Tim Johnson, Press Release, 1/31/11)
SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): “No Bureaucratic Agency Should Be Able To Regulate What Has Not Been Legislated, Especially When Their Actions Jeopardize Thousands Of Jobs … In the worst economy in generations, the EPA is undermining our fragile economy and has been an adversary instead of a partner on energy issues. It is time to reevaluate the agency’s use of its authority. I will work hard to make sure the EPA cannot overstep its authority, even as we develop a balanced approach to meeting our energy needs – including using clean coal and natural gas – and end our dependence on foreign oil.” (Sen. Manchin, Press Release, 1/31/11)
SEN. JAY ROCKEFELLER (D-WV): “Now Is The Time To Encourage Companies To Invest In New Technologies And Create Jobs, And We Need A System That Gives Major Employers The Framework To Do So And To Succeed. Many Of Us Agree That Congress, Not The EPA, Must Be The Decision-Maker On Such A Challenging Issue.” (Sen. Manchin, Press Release, 1/31/11)
SEN. JIM WEBB (D-VA): “I Had The Same Set Of Concerns With This Present Administration, Particularly As It Goes To Their Climate Area And Environmental Policies. ... Unfortunately There Are People Who Simply Want To Do Away With Coal. Most Of Them Don't Live Down Here.”(“Coal At Center Of Rules Debate,” Roanoke Times, 2/6/11)
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Said She Wouldn't Be Among The Original Co-Sponsors But Would ‘Strongly Consider’ Voting For It If The Measure Reached The Floor.”(“House Democrat To Co-Sponsor Bill To ‘Rein In’ EPA,” Politico, 3/3/11)
SENS. ROCKEFELLER, BEGICH, BROWN (OH), LEVIN, CASEY, MCCASKILL, & BAUCUS: “Dear Administrator Jackson: We Write With Serious Economic And Energy Security Concerns Relating To The Potential Regulation Of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) From Stationary Sources Under The Clean Air Act. … We Strongly Believe This Is Ultimately Congress’ Responsibility…” (Sens. Rockefeller, Begich, Brown (OH), Levin, Casey, Byrd, McCaskill, & Baucus, Letter To EPA Administrator Jackson, 2/19/10)
“Eight Democratic Senators… Are Challenging The Environmental Protection Agency's Authority To Regulate Pollution Blamed For Global Warming.” “Eight Democratic senators, including Mark Begich of Alaska, are challenging the Environmental Protection Agency's authority to regulate pollution blamed for global warming. In a letter written by Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, the lawmakers said the agency lacks the power to restrict greenhouse gases from stationary sources such as power plants, factories and mines. The lawmakers said Congress -- not the EPA -- should address an issue with big implications for thousands of U.S. jobs and businesses. Opposition to EPA regulations by Democrats could pose a serious blow to the Obama administration's effort to restrict heat-trapping greenhouse gases. While the administration is still pushing for Congress to pass a comprehensive climate bill this year, officials have not ruled out controlling greenhouse gases through regulation. The letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson was signed by Begich, Robert Byrd of West Virginia, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Carl Levin of Michigan and Max Baucus of Montana.” (“Begich Joins 8 Democrats In Opposing EPA Powers,” AP, 2/22/10)
“Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Is Urging The White House To Re-Evaluate Greenhouse Gas Permitting Regulations To Avoid Damaging Manufacturers And Other Industries That Are Vital To His State And The Nationwide Economy. Brown — who faces reelection in 2012 in the battleground Midwest state — wrote to President Obama Monday calling for a review of the ‘economic repercussions and potential unintended consequences’ of regulations the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has begun to phase in this year.’” (“Fearing Economic Impact, Dem Presses Obama To ‘Reevaluate’ Climate Rules,” The Hill’s “E2 Wire” Blog, 2/28/11)
Tags: US Congress, Washington, D.C., Fool's Day, Democrat spending, Republicans, Balanced Budget Amendment, EPA Amendment, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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