Editor Note: While all states are faced with the redistricting of Congressional Districts, we are dedicating the cartoon to the voters of Arkansas where the Democrats are literally giving voters the "finger" [kids ask your parents]. It was initially called the "Fayetteville Finger" but was then modified and became aka, the "Big Finger" of by some as the "Arkansas Boob" [again kids ask your parents].
While gerrymandering is a problem in many states, Arkansas historically has kept districts aligned to generic regions except for minor adjustments created by moving bordering counties to new districts due to census changes. However, when the democrats lost control in 2010 of two Congressional districts which were historically safe Democrat districts, the Arkansas legislature controlled by democrats evidenced a willingness to put politics before the wishes of the Arkansas voters. To date, they have denied all reasonable redistricting efforts. They have advanced ludicrous congressional districts including splitting counties even when not needed and using gerrymandering which has resulted in the above identified names for their efforts. Arkansas redistricting is still unresolved and Democrats may force the citizens of Arkansas to go to court to undo their political malfeasance.
Tags: Congressional Redistricting, Robert Ariail, political cartoon, Arkansas, gerrymandering To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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