(CNSNews.com) - The chief law enforcement officers of several Texas counties along the southern U.S. border warn that Arabic-speaking indivi...
Wal-Mart Joins NGLCC as Corporate Member
From the Chicago Tribune 8/26/06 By Abigail Goldman ?Wal-Mart, joined and will pay the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NLGC...
Wal-Mart Partners With Gay and Lesbian Group
Also Hires Gay-Marketing Shop as Retailer Works to Alter Image In an unprecedented push, Wal-Mart Stores has hired a gay-marketing shop, joi...
President Prayer Team Prayer Experience
ARRA Editors Pick of the Month: Click Now - visit the " Presidential Prayer Team Experience " to spark an intimate and rewardin...
People's Republic of the House of Representatives
Republicans have been downright disappointing: spending money like Democrats, vacillating on key counter-terror programs, engaging in simpli...
GOP Response To Sen. Pryor's Radio National Address
Liberal National Democrats such as Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid have no credibility when discussing how best to protect Americans i...
Democrats Contradictory, Evasive on Issue of Gay Foster Parents
GOP suggests Democratic candidate should awitch parties if they are uncomfortable with liberal positions
President's Day: Bush In Arkansas
President George W. Bush visits Arkansas to campaign with Asa and rally supporters at a barbecue lunch at the home of Joe and Dana Kleine, ...
The Thought Police of Minneapolis
8/30/06 By J. Matt Barber If you?re a Christian working for the City of Minneapolis, watch your step ? your job may already be in jeopardy....
Schwarzenegger Signs Bill Violating The 1st Amendment
8/29/06 -- The Traditional Values Coalition charged today that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has traded the religious rights of...
Arkansas Republican Caucus Supports Marriage
Little Rock - The Arkansas Republican Caucus stands for affirming marriage between a man and a woman not because it is a political issue, bu...
MoveOn.org's Plan for America
Far-Left Radical Dem Group Spreads Its Midterm Misinformation Campaign Across America. Read MoveOn.org's 2006 Plan to Elect Defeatocra...
President In Arkansas
President George Bush visits Arkansas on Wednesday to join Asa and supporters for lunch at the home of former Razorback basketball and NBA ...
Question for Halter on Homosexual Adoption
[Extract from Senator Jim Holt for Arkansas Lt. Governor 8/28 Press Release] The state-wide Democratic candidates and Jason Willett, chair o...
The David Parker outrage - Could Arkansas be Next?
LATEST! School officials file blistering 57-page Motion to Dismiss David Parker's Federal Civil Rights lawsuit. School Committee, Supe...
Jay Barth's Objectives are Clear -- Are Yours?
In February, the American Family Coalition blog asked what is "Jay Barth's Objective." Previously, a blog and the Arkansas...
Both Ways Beebe lies to AARP
In the Arkansas Democrat Gazette (8/26) , Mike Beebe again refused to answer a question put forth by the AARP concerning "special lega...
Oh, I'm a good ole rebel...
Joe Biden will be running for President in 2008. He knows if he wants to win the presidency he has to appeal to us Southerners. Yesterday on...
Clinton & Kerry Work To Make Sure Felons Can Vote
Roger Clegg, president and general counsel of the Center for Equal Opportunity, writes in today's Wall Street Journal , "With the e...
Administration's Crackdown On Illegal Immigration Ends Policy Of Catch-And-Release
Boston news : The Bush administration reported last Wednesday that "Nearly all non-Mexican illegal immigrants caught sneaking into the ...
RNC Releases New Web Ad: "A Safer America"
While Democrats want to talk tough about the War on Terror, their record clearly shows they have sought to weaken our National Security over...
Ford Discharged From Mayo Clinic
ROCHESTER, Minn. -- Former President Gerald Ford was discharged from the Mayo Clinic on Monday, nearly two weeks after being admitted for te...
Arkansas Democrats Delete Platform Supporting Traditional Marriage
Buried within news story in Sunday's ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE was a bomb-shell for supporting traditional family values in Arkansas by...
Arkansas - Immigration grows as an election issue
[ Arkansas : Immigration grows as an election issue : by Michael R. Wickline ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE 8/27/06] [Extract] DISTRICT 86: N...
Abortion Pill Approved for Over the Counter Use
What are you doing Mr. President? In a press conference on Monday President George W. Bush told reporters that he favored the distribution o...
Same-Sex Civil Unions End for Lesbian Pioneers
BRATTLEBORO, Vt. - A lesbian couple who into the nation's first same-sex civil union officially split up Wednesday . Carolyn Conrad and...
Heritage Foundation Online Survey on Immigration
Fellow Conservative, Our elected leaders are currently considering a proposal passed by the Senate that would grant amnesty to millions of i...
Bush indicates support for Plan B
President Bush supports Andy, not the law It would be better if the President supported the law instead of his friend when it comes to FDA ...
Another fine mess government has got us into
Cynthia Howell and Rodney Bowers reported in an Arkansas Democrat-Gazette article the fiasco that occurred in Paron High yesterday ["P...
ARRA annual convention inspiring
The Arkansas Republican Assembly (ARRA) annual convention convened in Little Rock Saturday, August 19, 2006 with delegates from five countie...
Berry's Vitriolic Attack on Hutchison
In an article Impeachment role gave Hutchinson clout by Seth Blomeley of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (8/20/06), he records the Vitriolic...
Hutchinson Speaks at Eagle Forum
Republican gubernatorial nominee Asa Hutchinson told an Eagle Forum meeting Saturday that the group helped change the way the state and nati...
Mike Beebe Campaign - Who's Speaking?
In Bears, bulls, Hogs and pols editorial by Kane Webb, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette; 8/20/06 reflects on Mike Bebee situation: " Let'...
ARRA Endorsed Candidates
Prior to the 2006 primary, the Arkansas Republican Assemblies (ARRA) endorsed the following candidates all of whom are now also candidates i...
Willet Struggles Defending His Party Candidates
Jason Willett, AR Dem. Party Chair, struggles to defend gubernatorial candidate Mike Beebe's position on teaching intelligent design al...
Where does Bill Halter stand on homosexual adoption?
The AR Supreme Court ruled (6/9/06) that AR DHS didn't have the authority to stop homosexuals from serving as foster parents. Senator Ji...
Liberal Press - Not Voter's Friend
Beebe Election-Year Flip Flop On Grocery Tax Repeal?
Little Rock - Asa Hutchinson questioned the credibility of Attorney General Mike Beebe's claim in a new television ad launched this wee...
1st District Congressional Race Heats Up
First District Loses More Jobs : Another sign that we need a new congessional representative that will develop an economic plan for the dist...
Fight Against Suicide / Euthanasia
Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduced a bill last Friday that would prohibit doctors from prescribing federally-controlled substances for...
Snider Votes Against "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegience
If you missed it, Arkansas Congressman Vic Snider voted against the Pledge Protection Act that will protect "under God" in the Ple...
End the Tyranny of the IRS
The time has come to end IRS tyranny and oppression by demanding leadership scrap our present tax system in favor of the Fair Tax. The curre...
AR Ethics Commission investigating Daniels
LITTLE ROCK (AP - 10/7/06) - The Arkansas Ethics Commission is investigating a complaint against Secretary of State Charlie Daniels that cl...
A Matter of Trust
"A Matter of Trust: Asa On Beebe's Credibility Problem" by Asa Hutchinson, Guest Column, Arkansas Times (8/3/06): On a full r...
Gunner Delay Blasts Opponent
Republican Attorney General candidate Gunner Delay blasted his Democratic opponent Dustin McDaniel on gun rights Wednesday during a campaign...
Illegal Immigration Could Cost Taxpayers Trillions
10News.com (San Diego, CA) : 8/2/2006 Excerpt: Future costs for illegal immigrants in the United States will reach a half a trillion dolla...
Holt's Stand on Prenatal & Emergency Care for Non-Citizens
Extract from Senator Jim Holt Press Release 8/2/06 : The state Dept of Health & Human Services has just asked for $316 million more in...
Stand Against the Unfair Death Tax
Family-owned small businesses are taxed enough. They do not need to be double taxed when the business passes on to the next generation. Th...
Does Character Matter?
The above question is asked by Kerby Anderson (Point of View). He says, "We were told during the Clinton administration that character...
25 Federal Prosecutors Assigned to Border States
The United States Departments of Justice (DOJ) and Homeland Security (DHS) announced yesterday (7/31/06) additional resources to enhance th...