Breaking News
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Info Post
From the Chicago Tribune 8/26/06 By Abigail Goldman?Wal-Mart, joined and will pay the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NLGCC) $25,000 annually. In addition, Wal-Mart has agreed to conduct two NGLCCconferences/ workshops for gay and lesbian business owners on how to break into the Wal-Mart supplier ranks, said Justin Nelson, chamber president and co-founder.?Wal-Mart spokesman Bob McAdam said the company also has worked with other gay and lesbian organizations including the Human Rights Campaign and Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.

Also, Wal-Mart will give homosexual-owned businesses special treatment when making purchases. Companies not owned by homosexuals will be moved down the list. NGLCC called Wal-Mart's action 'part of the company's ongoing commitment to advancing diversity (homosexuality) among all of its associate, supplier and customer bases.' Continue reading?

American Family Association Calls people to Action:
1. To make sure your voice is heard, please call Wal-Mart's home office headquarters and ask for Chairman Rob Walton at 479-273-4000. Also, call your local Wal-Mart manager and express your concerns. Please, be polite when you call!
2. Send an email to Wal-Mart Chairman Rob Walton by visiting
3. Print out and distribute this Pass Along Sheet.


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