Breaking News
Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Info Post
Family-owned small businesses are taxed enough. They do not need to be double taxed when the business passes on to the next generation. This week, the Senate is taking up a bill to end the unfair death tax. Earlier this year, a minority of Democrat senators blocked putting the death tax on the road to extinction. This is the last chance to stand up for economic growth, small businesses, and family farms burdened by the unfair death tax.

Ending the death tax is a matter of basic fairness. No one should be taxed twice and death should not be an excuse for the government to take your money away. Congress passed and the President signed death tax relief, but if nothing is done, the death tax returns at full force in 2010, resulting in a massive tax increase on family-owned small businesses. These same businesses often cannot survive into a second generation because of the death tax. This is an issue that affects us all. Just do the math. Sixty-one percent of small business owners say that the death tax limits their growth - and small businesses create two out of every three of the new jobs in America.

This Democrat obstruction threatens job creation. Call Senator Mark Pryor at 202-224-2353 and Senator Blanche Lincoln at 202-224-4843 and urge them to take a stand for fairness and economic growth - and end the death tax. [Ken Mehlman, Chairman, Republican National Committee 8/2/06]


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