Breaking News
Sunday, August 20, 2006

Info Post
In an article Impeachment role gave Hutchinson clout by Seth Blomeley of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (8/20/06), he records the Vitriolic attack and unprofessional comments of the 1st District US Congressman Marion Berry.

In reflecting on the prior 1998 impeachment proceedings and later actions by Asa Hutchison which was propelled to Asa Hutchison to National attention, Berry used vitriolic comments to describe Hutchison as "someone to drink the Kool-Aid and take orders" and "disingenuous and duplicitous."

Even the article's author apparently felt it necessary to provide comments from a leading national democrat to offset Berry's comment. "During the DEA nomination hearing, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Democrat from Vermont, brought up the impeachment. 'I would note for the record throughout that time, notwithstanding the fact that we were on opposite sides, Congressman Hutchinson's word was gold with me,' Leahy said. 'He (Hutchinson) never broke his word. He never showed anything but the highest integrity and the highest standard of the Congress.' "

Mike Beebe offered no comments on Berry's comments but identified that he disagreed with the impeachment but offered no criticism of Hutchinson's role. Asa Hutchinson also declined to respond to Berry.

This is not the first time that Marion Berry has acted unprofessionally. Maybe the aging Marion Berry is feeling the stress of 14 years in Congress or has become overwhelmed by the mantra of the extreme liberal left who are emerging as the leaders of the democrat party. Berry's inappropriate public gaffes appear to have increased since Republican Mickey "Stubby" Stumbaugh, Mayor of Cabot, AR entered the race.
Click now for another example of Berry's inappropriate behavior.


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