Little Rock - The Arkansas Republican Caucus stands for affirming marriage between a man and a woman not because it is a political issue, but because it is a core belief of the Republican Party and a bedrock institution of our society. "It is unfortunate that the Arkansas Democrats have removed their support of marriage from their platform this year, indicating that they only supported it two years ago because it was an issue on the ballot, this shows that the Democrats will do anything and say anything to win an election," stated Byron Holt, candidate for the AR House District 76.
"The Republican Caucus does not support an issue because of the polling numbers. We support issues because of our convictions. The institution of marriage should be protected. It is not something that becomes 'irrelevant' due to political discourse. I am disappointed for many of my Democrat colleagues that believe as I do on this issue. As they proved at the polls in 2004, Arkansans overwhelmingly support the traditional definition of marriage, and I am proud to be on the side of the people of Arkansas," stated Minority Leader Johnny Key (R-Mountain Home). As stated in the Republican Party platform, "The Republican Party of Arkansas supports the traditional definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between a man and a woman, which is the foundational unit of a healthy society. We believe in the sanctity of marriage and that the integrity of this institution should be defended, protected, strengthened, and nurtured at all levels of government."
The Arkansas Democrats are again following the direction of their liberal national party bosses like Howard Dean, instead of being in line with the people of this state.
David Workman, candidate for the AR House District 19 stated, "It is sad to see the Democratic Party make the change in their platform to remove the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. Our Creator formed the marriage union which is defined as a man and woman. The Democratic Party has set aside the marriage union as GOD intended and decisions such as this contribute to the moral decay of our society." [Press Release 8/28/06 Contact: Johnny Key 870-404-0405]
Arkansas Republican Caucus Supports Marriage
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