The Arkansas Republican Assembly (ARRA) annual convention convened in Little Rock Saturday, August 19, 2006 with delegates from five counties. Two new chartered assemblies were introduced to the conventioneers. Assembly president of Baxter County, Bill Smith, introduced delegates traveling with him, and assembly president Johnny Tittle of Washington County introduced those with him.
Each county representative described their goals and accomplishments during the meeting. Randy Minton, president of the Lonoke County assembly described their success in the primaries and local elections, which inspired those attending with hope for the conservative agenda. ARRA national delegate Peggy Jeffries encouraged everyone with her personal observations of the assemblies and the accomplishments being made. ARRA vice-president, Duane Neal submitted changes to the ARRA State Bylaws for ratification. ARRA president Pat Briney presented a power point presentation for ARRA orientation and recruiting purposes.
The meeting ended with expectations for three new counties to charter soon, which highlighted the growth of ARRA.
ARRA annual convention inspiring
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