by Cal Thomas: Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has unveiled her economic vision. Should she be given the powe...
The Case for Conservatism
by George Will: . . . Today conservatives tend to favor freedom, and consequently are inclined to be somewhat sanguine about inequalities o...
Democrats promised reform. It's not happening [Video]Critics Say $39 Million a Waste
CNN: "What does congressman John Murtha have to say in defense of the $39 million earmark buried in House Intelligence bill to fund th...
26% of young U.S. Muslims say violence OKWhat is your Opinion?
AFA Online Polling: According to a new poll by the New York Post, one of four young Muslims in the U.S. believe suicide bombings against in...
On Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants to the USA
by PL Booth, The Blue Eye View : We are a nation that was largely settled by European immigrants (though every country in the world is repr...
Obama unveils universal health care plan
by Jason Easley: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) unveiled his universal health care plan today . . . Obama would...
U.S. Attorney Tim Griffin Resigning
Posting today - Arkansas Times blog: U.S. Justice Department has notified Arkansas's congressional delegation that Interim Eastern Dis...
Arkansas GOP has untapped resource
by John Lyon, Arkansas News Bureau: The Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA) should do more to take advantage of former Gov. Mike Huckabee...
Media Ma(d Ha)tters
Tony Perkins, FRC: In what may be another veiled effort to prod the Congress into restoring the "Fairness Doctrine" for broadcast...
Alabama Lists Pro-Life Advocates Among Terrorist Groups
by Gudrun Schultz ( ): The Alabama Department of Homeland Security included pro-life organizations, as well as homosexual acti...
Fred Thompson Expected to Announce White House Candidacy in July
FoxNews: It seems all but certain that former senator and "Law & Order" TV star Fred Thompson will formally announce his camp...
Berry arrives in Cuba for agriculture summit
By Jon Gambrell: Arkansas 1st District U.S. Rep. Marion Berry is in Cuba as part of an economic forum on agriculture, marking the second ti...
Torture vs. Freedom / Contemplaing the Gift of Freedom
by Debbie Pelley, NW Arkansas: Columnist Nancy Salvato wrote an article by this title, " Contemplating the Gift of Freedom . " S...
Illegal immigration is running amok
Charlie Reese: The so-called immigration reform bill is amnesty. It provides favors and rewards for people who have broken our laws. If it ...
The real hate speech
by Janet Folger: Just who are the haters? . . . Homosexuals more than hated Jerry Falwell, whom they attacked, maligned, ridiculed and thre...
It's Time for the Fair ax
"No more clever loopholes for the few at the expense of the many. No more lobbyists buying tax breaks for their clients from Congress. ...
9/11 terrorists would have been eligible for the current amnesty
9/11 Families for a Secure America : • Illegal aliens who were given amnesty in 1986 participated in: the 1993 WTC attack (6 dead, 1000 inj...
General Peter Pace Urges Reflection on Memorial Day 2007
On this Memorial Day, as we remember our fallen comrades in arms, let us reflect upon the countless battles with now familiar names such as ...
Prayer for Peace - Memorial Day 2007A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America
On Memorial Day, Americans pause with solemn gratitude and deep respect for all our fallen service men and women who have given their lives ...
Conneticut GOP to Fred Thompson: Run, Fred, Run!
by John Gizzi: If there were any lingering worries that it is too late for Fred Thompson to jump into the Republican presidential race, the...
Huckabee: Room for More GOP Candidates
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Are 10 Republican presidential contenders enough? One of them, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, said Sunday there is r...
Gov. Beebe Reduce the Tax on Gas Now!
by John Anderson, The Citizens Journal : "Shock - Gas Prices Could Affect Sales Tax Revenue" We could take about 15 to 20 cents o...
Congress Considers Web Taxes
NewsMax: Proposals in the U.S. Congress could lead to taxes on Internet shopping, broadband connections and even e-mail by this fall. State...
NAFTA Superhighway - Govt's never lie - just don't tell the truth
by Henry Lamb: "There is absolutely no U.S. government plan for a NAFTA superhighway of any sort," says David Bohigian, an assist...
Secure the border, first
by Joseph Farah: The "comprehensive immigration reform plan" worked out secretly by the staff of the White House and Senate is a ...
The Real Ronald ReaganOnce again, the Gipper’s spirit has triumphed.
by Michael Reagan: Once again, the left-leaning mainstream media have egg all over their faces thanks to the voice of my dad, Ronald Reagan...
Victory -- Pelosi-Murtha Preemptive Surrender Bill Stopped!
In the face of all public opposition, Democrats blinked, selling out their MoveOn buddies. Senate and House leaders caved to reality, pulled...
2008 GOP Primary Straw Poll - May 2007
Rewarding illegal aliens: Senate bill undermines the rule of law
Heritage Foundation: The most controversial component of the Senate's Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act o...
North American Union plan headed to Congress in fallPowerful think tank prepares report on benefits of integration between U.S., Mexico, Canada
WASHINGTON – A powerful think tank chaired by former Sen. Sam Nunn and guided by trustees including Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, H...
Mark Pryor & Blanche Lincoln pushing hyper-amnesty
Senators Pryor and Lincoln voted for cloture and to proceed with consideration of the hush-&-rush immigration bill. They have thereby t...
Immigration Bill is a Senate Sellout of America
by Bay Buchanan, Tom Tancredo Campaign : The Senate sellout is a complete betrayal of the nation, guaranteeing another massive invasion acro...
Arkansans vote to keep temporary worker program in bill
WASHINGTON (AP) - Both U.S. senators from Arkansas have cast ballots in favor of keeping a proposed new temporary worker program in a broad...
House Democratic leaders to kill funding for abstinence education
by Don Wildmon, American Family Association : Democratic leaders of the House Energy & Commerce Committee have reportedly decided to k...
House of Murtha - full of Murtha Approved Earmarks
Tony Perkins, FRC: Democrats last year unseated the Republican Majority in the U. S. House in part by alleging a Republican culture of corr...
Bush grants presidency extraordinary powers -- Orders foremergencies apparently gives authority without congressional oversight
WorldNetDaily: President Bush has signed an executive order granting extraordinary powers to the office of the president in the event of a ...
Amnesty Fraud - Political solution destined to create bigger problems.
by Thomas Sowell: Nothing is more common than political "solutions" to immediate problems which create much bigger problems down ...
Senator Martinez Addresses The Republican National Committee
Last Friday, Republican Party General Chairman Mel Martinez addressed members of the RNC at the annual State Chairmen's Meeting. General...
Boozman Amendment to Prevent Illegal Immigrants From Receiving Federal Low-income Housing Benefits
An amendment by U.S. Representative John Boozman (R-AR) to prevent illegal immigrants from receiving low-income housing benefits was passed ...
Summary: What others are saying about Illegal Immigration legislation
By Any Other Name, Amnesty Bill Still Stinks! 5/22/2007 -- by Chuck Baldwin : One of Shakespeare's most oft-quoted phrases comes from R...